Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: bowls, food

Looks like it’s a yummy “Sundae-Sunday” up in Stevens Point. The ice cream looks amazing, the hot fudge looks delicious & the bowl doesn’t look too shabby either! Thanks for sharing Matthew!

Categories: nature, sunrise

A beautiful start to the day…

Categories: challenge, classes, wheelthrowing

Last night was the kick-off of my LILLSTREET THROWDOWN class!! With a great new group of potters ready to take on my silly games, races, projects & challenges!

Last night they started off throwing one “perfectly” mug shaped cylinder in their own style. Only to be followed up by a challenge to throw more cylinders that MATCHED… but not theirs, they had to match everyone else’s!!! Matching pots are tough enough, let alone matching someone else’s shape & style!!! Lots of pots, lots of fun!!! And we’re just getting started…

Categories: Uncategorized

After the hectic holidays, it feels great to be back in the studio…
getting back into the swing of things.

A simple dinner plate, now with a stamped rim to make it not-so-simple!

Categories: television

I’ve tried my best to be patient… and I may have re-watched a season or two… but I’m SO EXCITED that my current favorite Reality guilty-pleasure TV show is coming back!!! Emmy-award winning THE TRAITORS begins season three tomorrow!!! Amazing host Alan Cumming is back in all of his over-the-top campiness… along with lots of wackadoodle Reality TV stars playing the game. And yes, I watch a LOT of Reality TV… so I already know most of them too!

And I can only hope that if we’re getting a Season Three of the US version… season three of the UK & Australian versions can’t be far behind… and maybe Season Two of New Zealand? And I need to figure out how to see the newest Canadian version!

So yes, there might be a slight addiction problem here?!

Categories: television

My all-time favorite SURVIVOR player is coming back for another run on Reality TV!!! Fresh off her stint on THE TRAITORS season two, my Parvati will now be going for the cash on DEAL OR NO DEAL ISLAND season two. It’s a weird mix of the traditional “Deal Or No Deal” with the silver metal cases full of money… now blended with Survivor-esque challenges & alliances on a tropical island. I’m sure Parvati will rely on her “black widow” reputation… which will be great fun to watch her alliances. I mist also admit that I watched season one over the break…as it had Survivor’s Boston Rob as a contestant… and he’s kinda brilliant & “good-TV” as well!

NBC tonight… and then streaming on Peacock.

Categories: bowls, food

Looks like someone is doing better on their “healthy” resolutions than I am?! Still not a big fan of brussel sprouts… but these are looking a little tastier than normal… must be the bowl?!!! Just sayin’… thanks for sharing Kristy!!!

Categories: mugs

Celebrating our first Mugshot Monday of the New Year!!! With this sweet shot of a quiet moment together after the holiday craziness. Thanks for sharing Melissa!

Categories: challenge

One of my students Melanie braved the chill for a winter hike out at Illinois Beach State Park… and found herself a ceramic fortune cookie! I love that people are out there enjoying nature, breathing the fresh air & playing my silly reindeer games!!!

Categories: flowers, stamped, vases

Here’s a beautiful arrangement of flowers with purples & pinks to go along with a new “aubergine” stamped vase… a special holiday gift from Dad. Now honoring Grandma’s memory with a collection of her favorite flowers. Thanks for sharing Allison!