Staying warm, staying inside… making more bowls in the studio. Can’t wait for these to stiffen up a bit so I can stamp them and move them along in the process… let the transformation begin… soon to be “something to behold”!!!

Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play |
Staying warm, staying inside… making more bowls in the studio. Can’t wait for these to stiffen up a bit so I can stamp them and move them along in the process… let the transformation begin… soon to be “something to behold”!!!
After stamping, I added a few accents of colored flashing slip onto the vases. These will change colors as they react with the atmosphere of the soda kiln… believe it or not, I’m painting with a slip that turns ORANGE!!!
After Monday night’s class demo with a power drill… yesterday I cleaned-up the insides of my new berry bowls. The drill is quick & clean, but it leaves these burrs hanging out inside. The good thing is that when they dry up a bit, they simply brush away easily. I also take a green scrub pad to smooth out any edges, and then use a wooden tool to refine any of the holes that need some smoothing.
Just finishing up another batch of mugs before teaching class tonight. These are the new mugs with the NEW STAMPS!!! Pretty excited to move them along through the process so I can see them glazed & finished. Not sure I can wait… so there’s a “pretty good chance” I’ll be making more before we see these results!
I started the New Year by making a batch of new stamps…
much like every New Year! Kind of a New Year ritual for me!!!
It’s always fun to have a few new patterns to use as I start ramping up production in the studio. Gotta start getting ready for the Summer Art Fair Season!!! Gotta make more mugs, more bowls, more vases, more… more… more…
Oh wait…
I guess we still don’t even know if there will even BE art fairs this summer or not??? Fingers crossed…
Anyway… moving forward regardless… here are some new mugs-to-be after stamping the cylinders with some of my new stamps!!
Mug #1 –
Mug #2 –
Mug #3 –
Mug #4 –
Mug #5 –
Mug #6 –
Mug #7 –
Mug #8
Mug #9 –
Mug #10 –
Mug #11 –
Mug #12 –
Mug #13 –
Mug #14 –
And for now they’re back under plastic waiting for me to come back to trim the bottoms and add some handles! Overall, I’m pretty pleased with most of the new stamps… there are still more that I didn’t get to test in this round. Maybe next time?!…
Repeat…. repeat… REPEAT.
Attaching handles and making mugs!!!
And now that they’re all done, they’re going back under plastic for the night. I like to think that the moisture levels between the mug and the handles can even out a bit before I unwrap them to let them start drying. I also want to add some colored flashing slip accents to a few of them for an upcoming soda kiln firing!
Now to let them set-up for a few minutes before I start attaching them to the stamped & trimmed cylinders. I like to pull the handle and then give it a “little flip” so it stands-up by itself with the majority of the handle curve already established. I’ll cut out the portion of the handle I want to use… and recycle the rest of the clay!
Saturday night is apparently going to be MUG NIGHT!!!
Small chunks of clay, wedged and thrown into carrot shapes… getting ready for a productive night of mugs!!! You know how I LOVE making handles & mugs! No, really.
Another New Year tradition in my studio is pulling out the latest batch of reclaim clay. I figure it’s been slaking down all through the holidays and is now good & ready! Goopey, sloppy & messy… and my favorite FREE CLAY for the NEW YEAR!!!
And yes, if you look closely, there are a couple different kinds of clay mixed up in there. I don’t really care too much what goes in my reclaim bin… as long as it’s CLAY!!!… and a high-fire clay body. I figure it will all mix up to be some kinda good clay… and best of all FREE!!!
Oversized “order” pieces out of a bisque kiln… basking in the late afternoon sun… ready for some inlaid glaze! And a tenmoku liner glaze before heading into the soda kiln!
Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
Lillstreet Studios ∙ 4401 North Ravenswood, Chicago, Illinois 60640 ∙ 773-307-8664 gary@firewhenreadypottery.com |