Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: art fair, pottery

All set up and ready to go!
Swing by Naperville tonight or tomorrow for the PRAIRIE VIEW ARTS INVITATIONAL.
There are so many great artists here… so many of them are My Talented Friends!
Always fun to hang out with my art peeps!

C’mon by for some pottery, just to say HI… or to grab a yummy taco from the Taco Truck outside!!!


Categories: classes, lillstreet

Well we’re nearing the end of the Second Annual LILLSTREET THROWDOWN class.
So for this week’s in-class challenge, we re-visited a few of our previous challenges with a twist. We divided into two teams and had everyone decide which of six challenges each team player was going to tackle. Twist was… they didn’t know what challenge each was! After they all signed up for their challenge “number”… we rolled the dice to randomly assign project challenges to each number! So they all started working on their assigned challenge… so all six challenges were going on simultaneously.

But after 15 minutes… the timer went OFF!!!    Wait?… what?!!!!

After the first fifteen minutes they all found out that they had to ROTATE to continue working on someone else’s project. Yes, they were going to switch & rotate every 15 minutes for four rotations to finish each challenge. So they needed to work as a team, share information at every rotation, and keep everything on pace so as to finish ALL six challenge projects in the one hour time frame.

Everyone was so focused… and it was surprisingly quiet...
except for the crazy commotion & confusion during rotations!!!

And because one of our students was “out sick” for the night… I had to draft one of my Tuesday night students to fill in to keep the teams even. Thanks to Katie for stepping up and joining in our crazy fun!!!

At the end of the hour… and four complete rotations… we had a table full of projects!
Lots of “matching” challenges… some successful, some not so much…

So here they are side-by-side…  one team versus another!







whoops… and the “other” side…

And the other team’s winning spheres…


Pretty hard to judge… especially when you see all four all lined up…


Categories: My Talented Friends, pottery

Don’t you love it when you get something fun in the mail… instead of just bills & junk mail??? Like the poster invitation for this year’s ST. CROIX VALLEY POTTERY TOUR!! Always my favorite “pottery adventure” every Spring. Mark your calendar to head to Minneapolis for the weekend to see a HUGE collection of some of the best pottery around. I’ll be going again to do a little shopping & chatting with some of My Talented Friends!

Click here for more information about the St. Croix Valley Pottery Tour.

Categories: classes, lillstreet

While I was in Germany, I missed my LILLSTREET THROWDOWN class.
I planned their projects & homework… and thanks to Lisa for stepping in to deliver the challenges! Looks like I missed a good time. Can’t wait to see the “results” from their homework assignment in class this week!!!

They started with throwing a new cylinder shape for a mug…

And then they switched quickly to handbuilding. While many of them have not done a lot of handbuilding, I thought it would be fun to throw them out of their comfort zone a bit. So they had to make the tallest cylinder out of two pounds of clay… a bit more challenging than you might expect…

After their foray into handbuilding, they went back to their wheels
to throw “the tallest vase”… “the widest bowl”… and “the widest platter.”

And just when they may have thought they were done… the homework assignment!!!
They need to make their mug, add it to the vase, bowl and platter collection
and then do some sort of surface decoration to make them look like a “set.” It will be great to see what they do… especially since I missed the last class so it will truly be a blind judging this week!!!

Categories: bowls, pottery

Someone is already “thinking green” during the cold whiteness of winter. My Peoria friends showing off more of their pottery collection… including some very “vintage” pottery I made way back before I “met” stamping… notice the layered slip decoration on the set of bowls in the bottom right corner! I remember being so proud of those bowls back in the day. Ha!!!

Categories: classes, mugs

My pottery class ROCKED it tonight!!!
It was only the second night of our new session… and they’ve already tackled
making MUGS!!! Thrown, trimmed and handles attached…
and ready to move on to bigger & better things next week!


Categories: bowls, pottery

When cleaning up after Christmas, my “very first art fair friends”
decided to streamline their cabinets and display a portion of their pottery collection.
Hmmmm?… that all looks very familiar!!!
Thanks Gerry & Rosene!

Categories: art fair, pottery

Stop by today… it’s the final day of MUD & METAL : My Second Holiday Home Show with metalsmith Amy Taylor. We’re here until 4:00pn with great gifts for everyone on your holiday gift list… even yourself!!! Pottery in every room of my condo at 1353 West Rosemont #3, Chicago 60660… the one with green totem pole in front!!!

Categories: art fair, pottery, special events

Two days of fun & holiday shopping! Stop by my place this weekend to play with me and Amy Taylor… whether you’re shopping or just hangin’ out on my sofa?!!! We have wonderful gift ideas in every room of my condo, food & drink, and the ever-popular Tired Of Shlepping Sale replenished on my back porch! It’s my last holiday show of the year! Giddy-up!!!

Categories: art fair, pottery, special events

Just putting the final touches on my HOLIDAY HOME SHOW
err, well who are we fooling???
… I’m scrambling frantically still putting everything together. Setting up displays, placing pots, hanging ornaments, hanging wall pieces, and putting out even more pottery in EVERY room!!! Still LOTS to do… but I’m looking forward to an amazing weekend to kick-off the holiday shopping season! C’mon by!!!

1353 West Rosemont #3, Chicago, Illinois 60660