Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: challenge, classes, lillstreet

Huge congrats to Claire for her big win last night during the conclusion of our GREAT LILLSTREET THROWDOWN class! We all had an amazing time… made some fantastic pieces… and played some crazy games!!! A huge Thank You to all my students who made Season Five a huge success!!!

Categories: classes, lillstreet

So “word on the street” is that registration for Winter pottery classes at Lillstreet will open tomorrow morning. I will be teaching three classes & a soda-firing workshop during the Winter session. Registration for my classes fill up FAST… so be prepared to sign-up early!!! –

Intermediate Wheel – Mondays 7-10pm

Beginning Wheelthrowing – Tuesdays 7-10pm

The Great Lillstreet Throwdown – Thursdays 7-10pm
The BEST class ever… based on the British reality show “The Great Pottery Throw Down.” The class is full of projects, challenges, races, contests & other fun & frivolity… and a great prize for the Winner at the end of the session!!!

… and a Soda-Firing Workshop towards the end of February!

Categories: clay, lillstreet, process

So now that we’re in between class sessions at Lillstreet… looks like our clay monitors have some catching up to do! The class reclaim buckets are overflowing… in the best way possible! I love the precarious balance of that big pile.

You know my Summer Camp kids would never allow this to happen… as pressing the chunks through the metal grid lid is one of their favorite projects!

Categories: lillstreet

You know that every good competition needs a good trophy, right?! And that totally holds true for the LILLSTREET THROWDOWN!!! So I “may have” made a special trophy for the winner… as they’ve been accumulating points throughout the session for their challenges, projects & contests! It’s been a great session… can’t wait to see who wins this glittering trophy!!!

Categories: classes, food, lillstreet

I have the most fantastic students!

Last night, Davis brought me this package of the brand NEW Oreo Ice Cream Sandwiches as a “Thank You” for another great pottery session! Since we’re still under a “no-potluck-zone” at Lillstreet, I put them in the freezer and said “Thank You so much Davis… can’t wait to try them later!”

When I went just now to get them out of the Lillstreet freezer clearly marked “LILLSTREET STAFF ONLY”… not even 24 hours later… the box had been ripped open and half of them are already gone!!! Keep in mind, I was there until 11:00pm last night and no one else was there. Lillstreet opens at 10:00am in the morning… so that’s NOT EVEN NINE HOURS in the freezer when people were around… and they’ve already been plundered!!!


So just when your AMAZING students continue to redeem your faith in Humanity… “someone” else has to bring you back down to Reality!!!


Categories: clay, lillstreet, summer camp

Another one of the benefits of Lillstreet postponing the start of our Winter session by a week… the overflowing buckets of reclaim clay from last session should be taken care of! Fresh new reclaimed clay for everyone!!! Hopefully.

And let me just say…
This pile of overflowing clay would NEVER have happened if my Summer Campers were still around! They love pushing it through the grate… breaking it down into smaller pieces as intended! This pile-up would never have happened in my camp!!!

Categories: flowers, lillstreet, summer camp

Another beautiful flower from the rooftop of Lillstreet… and one last rooftop lunch with my Summer Campers! They’re in the final stretch of painting & finishing all of their chess pieces! Nearing the end of another wonderful summer of teaching & playing with the kids… making cool art projects along the way!

Categories: flowers, lillstreet, nature

Enjoying the flowers, the beautiful weather and one of the last afternoons sitting on the Lillstreet Rooftop having a fun lunch with my Summer Campers. We’re in the middle of CHESS CAMP… which is also my last camp of the summer. Checkmate!

Categories: kiln firing, lillstreet

Well, we’re one arch closer to getting the Lillstreet soda kiln back up & running. Still need a few more bricks to fill in some of those holes!!! Doug Jeppesen & Neil Estrick have been working hard to get it done for us! Can’t wait to get it firing again! It’s getting there… brick by brick!!!

Categories: lillstreet

Starting off another day of Summer Camp looking longingly through the skylights at Lillstreet… just waiting for my kids to show up!