Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: friends, mugs, soda-fired, stamped, textures

I’ll also have a selection of my new “hybrid mugs”… the combined wheelthrown & handbuilt mugs with textured pattern all the way around. So be sure to come to ART IN THE BARN to grab yourself a new mug… crying kid not included!!!

Thanks for the photo Nancy… looks like little Teagan wants to “get out” of that huge mug!

Categories: terra cotta, The Ghouls Collection

And I know we’ve been so focused on my little Red Devils lately… but they’re not alone. There are some new pumpkins going in the mix too!!! A couple different colors… still being painted & detailing with underglazes to get them into the kiln along with the little devils!!!

Categories: glaze, terra cotta, The Ghouls Collection

Right now, the new Ghouls are “green with envy”! A bit of sprayed glaze… looking kinda like mint chocolate chip ice cream… but will turn to a glossy clear glaze after firing! Getting ready to go into the kiln… one step closer to this weekend’s art fair!!!

Categories: terra cotta, The Ghouls Collection

After a long night of painting underglazes, the newest Ghoul is getting cuter & cuter! Little pops of color to give each of them a little more attitude! Can’t wait to get these done so they can join all of the others in THE GHOULS COLLECTION… and their Big Debut this weekend at ART IN THE BARN in Barrington!

Categories: bike, Chicago, sunrise

Lots of clouds & lots of waves crashing in! Kind of a chilly & windy morning, but it still felt great to get back out for a morning ride…as the last few days have been a bit rainy & wet. Welcome to Fall in Chicago… pedal on!!!

Categories: color, terra cotta, The Ghouls Collection

My little army of forty Red Devils is coming along nicely… all sprayed with a couple different colors of underglaze. Next up… some more colors to make them really come alive!

Categories: color, terra cotta, The Ghouls Collection

They’re getting their RED on!!!

Categories: flowers, friends, soda-fired, stamped, vases

Beautiful roses for a beautiful birthday present for my friend Kelly. Her Mom gave her the stunning flowers… and Kelly put them in one of my stamped & soda-fired vases. Gorgeous roses… but methinks Kelly might need a bigger vase soon???

Categories: nature, seasons, weather

Today is the first official day of Fall. I’m still struggling to hang onto Summer a little longer. But the cold rainy day today & leaves already changing color isn’t helping any! Too soon…

Categories: terra cotta, The Ghouls Collection

I’ve been having a devilishly good time assembling the latest addition to THE GHOULS COLLECTION this week. Many late hours in the studio trying to get them all ready for their big debut at ART IN THE BARN this weekend. Looks like they’re all good with horns, ears & quirky faces. Time to add some color… quickly!!!