Lots of clouds… very little sun! With one little gap along the horizon, the sun “almost” found it’s way out… creating a very short-lived sunrise show!
Moving right along… forty faces done… next up?… character details! The newest addition to The Ghouls Collection is well under way… gotta have them all done by next weekend! Yikes!!! The “big reveal” happens at ART IN THE BARN in Barrington!
With Fall quickly approaching, you feel a change in the air, a different direction for the sun & the Summer flowers are starting to fade. Beautiful, but sad… I’ll be hanging onto Summer as long as I can!!!
After a couple mornings of humid cloudy-fogginess, it was great to finally see a beautiful sunrise again! It has been so foggy the past couple mornings that the TV news teams actually referred to it as “milky” along the lakefront?! But not today… back to BEAUTIFUL!!!
Okay, that’s a good start! Gotta stay focused if I’m going to have these done in time for ART IN THE BARN! I finished throwing them all tonight… now I just have to “ghoul-itize” all forty of them!
Here we go… time for some terra cotta wheelthrowing!!!
Slimy, messy, dirty fun!!!
The real THANKS needs to go to metalsmith Amy Taylor & husband Tom who hosted ART IN THE GARDEN this past weekend. All the while knowing that we might mess up their yard… and the Sunday storms really didn’t help any.They were gracious enough to let us leave our wet tents & shelves in their yard to dry out before packing up. So nice… and when I got there last night to pack my tent, I noticed that Tom had already re-seeded my worn spot in their beautiful yard!!! Again, so nice of them to let us use their garden every year… and special “thanks” to all of my customers who helped wear down this bare spot! Ha!!!
Huge THANKS to everyone who came out this past weekend for ART IN THE GARDEN in Glenview! We all had a wonderful time sharing our artwork, our collaborations, chatting with friends & customers…. and I sent a lot of pottery off to new homes! Okay sure, maybe Sunday was a “little” rainy… but we were troopers and stayed open through the storms & truly appreciate those who came by on Sunday with umbrellas in tow. Thanks to everyone for making this another successful year at ART IN THE GARDEN.
Trapped air inside a piece WILL explode if there’s not an escape hole!
When I was assembling my ART IN THE GARDEN collaboration wall vases, I apparently neglected to add escape holes on the bottom half of this vase. And voila’… shattered during the firing – blew right off! Just proving the theory… as it happens to all of us at some point! Good thing I made a couple extras…
Okay, so the garden might be a little wet… but ART IN THE GARDEN is still open today until 5:00pm! C’mon by to see some art, chat with the artists & maybe do a little shopping!! And maybe bring an umbrella…