Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: mugs, process, production, surface decoration, textures

It might be kinda late… but I’m feeling really great about getting all of these handles attached! One step closer to getting these “hybrid” mugs in the soda kiln this weekend… oh wait... colored slip, dry, bisque, glaze, wad, load… a lot of steps still to go!!!

Categories: mugs, process, production, stamped, textures

Mugs assembled…still have to a good bit of trimming & refining. And then the ever-popular task of adding handles to all of them. Eyes on the PRIZE!!! It looks like it’s going to be a very long night finishing up these hybrid mugs!

Categories: platters, stamped, surface decoration, textures

Not a lot of studio time between teaching Summer Camp all day & teaching my Intermediate Wheelthrowing class tonight… but I did find enough time to stamp another large platter! One stamp at a time… over & over & over again!!!

Categories: stamped, surface decoration, textures

Just because Lillstreet has no water & no classes tonight… didn’t mean I couldn’t get some stamping done in my studio tonight! No water needed for stamping… and it was a great “surprise” chance to put in a few hours working, instead of teaching! Sure, I missed my students… but I do LOVE stamping!!!

Categories: mugs, soda-fired, stamped, textures

Always fun to see some of my new “hybrid mugs” thriving out in the wild… enjoying a picnic on the back porch somewhere out in the woods!!! “Hybrid” being a combination of wheelthrown & handbuilt parts… along with some amazing textures made with my MKM Pottery Tools hand rollers!

Categories: mugs, patterns, production, stamped, textures, tools

“Hybrid mugs” assembled, trimmed & handled… and the MKM Pottery Tools that did most of the hard work. Sure, I might have had a tiny-something to do with it too?! But having good tools always makes it more fun!!!

Categories: patterns, textures, tools

Getting ready to tackle another batch of “hybrid mugs” with some of my favorite MKM Pottery Tools. Great hand rollers for making textured slabs before I turn them into fun mugs!

Categories: color, food, textures

Looks like a colorful & tasty Texture Tuesday!

Categories: color, textures

Tons of textures & colors at the Shepherds Harvest Festival. Lots to look at… even more to touch & feel. Such a tactile explosion for those of us who tend to touch everything! Lots of wool & yarns… but also some things I never thought I’d see?! Like the last photo… fish skin leathers!!!

Categories: nature, textures

Celebrating a little TEXTURE TUESDAY with these crazy-cool leaves sprouting out on sumac branches in the neighborhood.