Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: classes, process, textures

This week with my SURFACE DECORATION class, we tackled carving & slip trailing… okay, so mostly carving! We talked about carving textures & patterns into our pots with different tools to get different effects. Like some clean carved grooves using some of my DiamondCore Tools … and fun little circles with an old drill bit.

Categories: bowls, stamped, surface decoration, textures

So after Tuesday night’s “bowls-bowls-bowls” demo… I took my class demo bowls up to my studio. And there “just might have been” a bit more stamping & detailing done tonight. Just making my not-so-basic bowls even more not-so-basic-er!!! Allegedly…

Categories: soda-fired, stamped, textures

Some soda-fired fun for another TEXTURE TUESDAY! No glaze on the outside, except some tenmoku inlaid in the stamped impressions. All of the color & shine comes from some flashing slips & the soda-firing process itself!!!

Categories: textures

Early morning “ripples” through the glass block windows near the kiln room… it’s FIRING DAY!!!

Categories: classes, platters, textures, tools

While we’re in-between sessions at Lillstreet, it still seems like the perfect chance to show-off one of my Intemediate students and her handiwork! While sharing my MKM Pottery Tools with my class, Jen decided to make a “quick” handbuilt platter using a couple of my MKM hand rollers. Jen is normally a “wheelthrower”… so she assumed this would be a “quick” project to crank out. But quickly found out that handbuilding takes time & patience as well… with a lot of attachments & things to clean-up. But look at this textured plate… it’s AMAZING Jen!!!

Categories: hybrid mugs, mugs, process, production, textures

Texture, texture… TEXTURE. Yep, a lot of that going on in the studio today! Assembling my latest batch of “hybrid mugs” with great textures made with my MKM Pottery Tools! Wheelthrown bottoms with handbuilt sides… combining to make my “hybrid mugs”!

Categories: stamped, textures, tools

Time to start another batch of my “hybrid mugs”…
a combination of wheelthrown & handbuilt parts.
And amazing textures & patterns using hand rollers from MKM Pottery Tools.

Categories: classes, process, stamped, textures, tools

While sharing my textured hand rollers from MKM Pottery Tools in class, one of my Intermediate students tried to make her own version of my “hybrid mugs.” Darcy has been getting some great results by wheelthrowing a cylinder, then rolling a textured pattern on the sides & then cleaning up the rim again on the wheel. Always good to a student take your “inspiration” and then find a way to twist it & make it their own!

Categories: art fair, handbuilding, soda-fired, textures

Fresh from the soda kiln… my little boxes! Done just in time for “4×4 : FOUR MAKERS”… our Pop-Up Exhibition & Sale that starts tomorrow in Evanston! If all goes well, all four of the 4×4 artists will be making “little boxes” in their own medium for a very special display. I made a few extra… as I only “really” need four. But always hedging my bets in the soda kiln. Four boxes by four artists.

Get it?…. 4×4.

Categories: hybrid mugs, mugs, soda-fired, textures

You know how I promised you more… we’ll here are the last of them for today!

More textures. More patterns. More colors.
More flashing effects from the soda kiln.
And wonderful textures from my collection of hand rollers from MKM Pottery Tools!!!