Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: mugs, process, production, stamped, stamps, textures

Getting back to basics… throwing cylinders…
making textured impressions one-by-one, stamp-by-stamp!
You know how I love making mugs… always a good place to start up again!

Mug 1

Mug 2

Mug 3

Mug 4

Mug 5

Mug 6

Mug 7

Mug 8

Mug 9

Mug 10

Mug 11

Mug 12

And for now they’re back under wraps drying a bit to leatherhard… at which point I’ll be able to trim the bottoms and then add handles! Back to making mugs again!

Categories: platters, stamped, stamps, surface decoration, textures

Stamping a large platter… adding a textured border around the edge using just two stamps! Each one pressed in one-at-a-time! Making single impressions that add-up to a beautiful textured surface. Perfect for another Texture Tuesday!

Categories: classes, stamped, teapot, textures

So I finally finished up assembling my last class demo from the December session at Lillstreet. It was a final “demo-on-demand” for Dan… a teapot with a knobby handle on the side instead of a normal handle. Honestly, I’ve never made one like this before… but I’m always up for a challenge! Sure, it may have taken awhile, but I think it turned out okay… for my first one! Thanks for the challenge Dan!

Categories: food, pottery, stamped, textures

Looks like these bananas might be one-step away from becoming banana bread?! I wonder if you could bake it in a stamped pie dish instead of a bread pan??? I mean, they’re already in there, right?

Categories: holiday, platters, stamped, textures

Wishing you all a wonderful New Year… and huge thanks to everyone who has stuck it out during another tough year! Thanks for following me & my pottery adventures throughout the year. Thanks for supporting artists. Thanks for supporting small businesses. Thanks for all of your comments & kind words. Here’s to a better New Year… with less pandemic & more pottery for everyone!!!

Categories: food, platters, textures

And what would Christmas be with only one dessert???…
so I just HAD to make TWO!!! Right?

A batch of homemade decadent chocolate brownies on a handmade textured platter. Seems like the perfect combination to me!!!

Categories: platters, stamped, textures

Just a little more stamping going on! This class demo platter has been under wraps for awhile… sprayed it a couple times… and finally did a little stamping & texturing. It’s always amazing to me to see what just ONE stamp can do to plain platter!!!

Categories: platters, stamped, textures

Another pretty green platter fresh out of the kiln. A beautiful green glaze that highlights the stamped patterns & textures, as well as the concentric circles in the center… an ever-so-slight diversion from my typical spiral-addiction!!!

Categories: flowers, garden, patterns, pottery, soda-fired, textures, vases

So I’ve been trying to grow some of my own bittersweet over the past few years. First on a trellis in my back yard…. err, cement courtyard in a large pot. A few years later I moved it to my front yard garden to grow up a street lamp. I’ve always gotten pretty good leaves… but this year was the first time I’ve ever found the flowers & berries on my plant! Very exciting… as it’s completely growing up & taking over the lamp post!!!

Categories: bowls, color, stamped, textures

You gotta love it when the sun comes streaming through your window catching a Christmas crystal and making mini-rainbows appear in all the right places!