Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: holiday, nature, textures

A little fortune cookie Scavenger Hunt at Illinois Beach State Park!
Handmade ceramic fortune cookies… textured, patterned, stained…
oh, and they rattle too!!!

So here we go… a few visual “clues” to help people find the hidden fortune cookies! Remember, there are twenty-three ceramic fortune cookies hidden throughout Illinois Beach State Park… both North & South Units. Kind of my way to share some “good fortune” for the New Year!

I hid them yesterday… so go get ’em!!!

Of course I’m not going to make it easy for you…
so these little “clues” may or may not help?! Plus, the photos are in no particular order! All part of the game… and FUN for me!!!

And a good thing I brought a couple extra fortune cookies with me…

I found this great piece of driftwood and thought that this would be a perfect place to stash a fortune cookie. When I set the fortune cookie into the hole on the top, it seemed a little wobbly. So I pushed it a bit further back… and it fell right in! ALL THE WAY DOWN TO THE BOTTOM!!! I could hear it tumbling down inside… like through a “tube” down the center of the log! Never to be found until this piece of drift wood rots away! Whoops!

Categories: ornaments, soda-fired, stamped, textures

Never too late to add more star ornaments to your tree!

Categories: glaze, platters, stamped, surface decoration, textures

The large purple platter has been so popular at my art fairs this summer… and I typically only had one per show! Well, this time… I HAVE TWO AUBERGINE PLATTERS for this weekend’s Mud & Metal Holiday Home Show!!! Yes, two… count them TWO!!!

Categories: color, glaze, platters, stamped, textures

More glamour shots of that same purple platter from last night’s kiln unloading. We’ve been joking about what “color” this actually is. Do we think it might be too pretty to just call it purple?… but if we call it something fancy like “aubergine”… then I think I should be able to charge twice as much for it!!! HA!!!

Categories: glaze, kiln firing, platters, stamped, textures

A pretty little purple platter fresh out of last night’s kiln… before & after. It’s amazing what a little kiln magic can do to some powdered glaze chemicals!!!

Categories: bowls, stamped, textures

Celebrating a little Texture Tuesday with some colorful bowls… with a bit of textured stamping! Most of these will be available this weekend at my Second Holiday Home Show!

Categories: soda-fired, stamped, textures, vases

Another sweet oval vase from my recent soda-firing. A little “before” shot with a tenmoku glaze inlaid into the stamped impressions. And then a couple “after” shots… after some sprayed green glaze… even better after a great soda-firing!

Categories: process, production, stamped, surface decoration, textures, vases

All stamped & detailed with colored flashing slip. Set aside for the night as they start to dry… for an upcoming bisque kiln! Meanwhile, freshly thrown pots cover my work table hoping that they stiffen up enough overnight so I can stamp them tomorrow!

Categories: process, production, stamped, stamps, textures, vases

A little early morning stamping… larger vases getting patterned & textured. So now they need some trimming & colored flashing slip accents before they start to dry!

Categories: platters, process, production, stamped, stamps, textures

So I did a plate-throwing demo in class this week… but who wants a “plain” dinner plate?! Not me… more is more, right?! So I just did a bit of stamping to make it a bit more fun… all done with one handmade clay stamp pressed in one-by-one-by-one-by-one!