Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: handbuilding, summer camp, terra cotta

After getting some “real tools” from my studio, my Summer Campers put their hands to work making some incredible terra cotta planters on Monday… glazing them on Tuesday. I have a small group of kids this week, but they’re still kickin’ it out of the park!!!

Categories: handbuilding, summer camp, terra cotta

Friday was a very busy day in my Sculpture Camp… everyone trying to finish up their sculptures & get ready for our Gallery Show. But also… the kids’ terra cotta birdhouses came out of the kiln too! I think they had kinda forgotten about them after working on their huge plaster sculptures… but once they saw the birdhouses, they were VERY EXCITED!!!

Categories: handbuilding, summer camp, terra cotta

This past week at summer camp, I taught a class called “SCULPTURES SMALL TO LARGE.” So we started the week with a fun clay project… constructing thematic terra cotta birdhouses and painting them with colorful glazes. It was a great group of kids… including two that had done the camp before, and came back for another round of Sculpture Camp with ME!!!

Categories: flower pots, process, production, terra cotta

Did some late-night studio work this evening… adding some underglaze accents to this latest batch of terra cotta flower pots. Just gotta wipe off the surface… leaving the underglaze only in the stamps, and then a bit of clear liner glaze! Hoping to get these all done & ready for next weekend’s PLANTS & POTTERY POP-UP!!!

Categories: flower pots, terra cotta

Just trying to crank out one last batch of flower pots for next weekend’s PLANTS & POTTERY POP-UP down near Peoria on 5/13 & 5/14. The terra cotta pots are made, but now I need to tackle the drip plates!

Categories: terra cotta, The Ghouls Collection

Some more Halloween decorations… here’s Nancy’s assortment of The Ghouls Collection!!! Along with one imposter on the far right made by her daughter Lydia! Looks like I might have an apprentice in the making?!

Categories: holiday, terra cotta, The Ghouls Collection

Well, you’ve waited long enough… and they’re finally out of the kiln… ready to give you a devilish smirky smile. This year’s addition to THE GHOULS COLLECTION… the Little Red Devils!!! Here’s your first sneak peek of these cuties as they get packed up for ART IN THE BARN this weekend. As always, it’s a limited edition of forty Red Devils… and when they’re gone, they’re gone… and “retired” from the collection!!!

Categories: holiday, terra cotta, The Ghouls Collection

Plenty of pumpkins headed to ART IN THE BARN this weekend. Just in time for Halloween decor… with cute little pumpkins that the squirrels won’t chew through!!!

Categories: art fair, holiday, terra cotta, The Ghouls Collection

Opening the kiln… filled with pumpkins & little red devils!!!
I might have pushing the deadline a smidge… but now they’re all fired, prepped, priced and ready for this weekend’s “Big Debut” at ART IN THE BARN!!!… which starts tomorrow by the way!!!

Categories: art fair, holiday, terra cotta

Cute little guy showing off his skull necklace… my photographer friend Brad’s son Jack! Apparently he loves the skull, and wears it as a good luck charm at every baseball game!!! Just one of the holiday pieces I make for ART IN THE BARN. I have a little collection of Halloween necklaces just for the kids… just a dollar if the kids buy them for themselves, but more expensive if the parents get involved! I like introducing the kids into making decisions & purchases at an art fair… made especially for them!!!