Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: platters, porcelain, sgraffito, tools

Just one of the sgraffito platters that will be part of this evening’s POP-UP POTTERY SALE only on my Fire When Ready Pottery Facebook page… just four hours away! They’re each hand-carved & one-of-a-kind… so when they’re gone, they’re gone! Starting tonight at 7:00pm CST.

Special thanks to DiamondCore Tools​ for kick-starting my sgraffito adventures… a few great carving tools and look what happened!!!

Categories: platters, porcelain, sgraffito, tools

You know how I LOVE a good spiral…
even more when it’s surrounded by a fun sgraffito carved pattern!…
thanks in part to the best carving tools from DiamondCore Tools​!

This is just one of the porcelain platters that will be included in my POP-UP POTTERY SALE only on my Fire When Ready Pottery Facebook page! The fun starts in just five hours… 7:00pm CST. Click on this LINK then to see the “official” Photo Album to shop from!

Categories: art fair, platters, pottery, sgraffito

Just seven hours away… the kick-off of my POP-UP POTTERY SALE only on my Fire When Ready Pottery Facebook page!!! Come back at 7:00pm CST to see the official Photo Album when I post it. The first person to claim a piece on the photo in that album gets it! Easy-peezy…

Categories: art fair, pottery, sgraffito

As this weekend was “supposed to be” the Hinsdale Fine Arts Festival… which was “pandemic-postponed” until the middle of August with fingers crossed… I’ve decided to host a little pop-up sale on my Fire When Ready Pottery Facebook page with some of the bright & colorful new pieces I’ve been working on. Pottery which would have been on display this weekend in Hinsdale… but instead, we’re going to go online! Check my Facebook page tomorrow evening at 7:00pm CST for the kick-off – Sunday 6/7/20!

And sure, looks like we have PERFECT WEATHER this weekend… when does that ever happen for an outdoor art fair?! Really?! I can’t wait until we can really get together for a “real” art fair again… I miss seeing everyone!!!

Categories: platters, porcelain, process, production, sgraffito, tools

My original plan was to have these sgraffito platters ready for my first art fair in April. Well, that’s been cancelled… but I’m still trying to stay on top of things. So here’s some of my latest sgraffito fun in the studio. Working on a few platters using my favorite DiamondCore carving tools!

Platter #1

Platter #2

Platter #3

Platter #4

Platter #5

Categories: platters, production, sgraffito, tools

Getting ready for a little geometric sgraffito carving session… made so much easier with my DiamondCore carving tools. Gotta get these plates decorated before they dry out too much! And who knows what the next couple days might bring?

Categories: handbuilding, sgraffito, tools

Doing a little carving with a DiamondCore Tool on one of the sides of my blocks… sgraffito decorating was one of the guidelines I put forth for this week’s LILLSTREET THROWDOWN challenge!

Categories: platters, porcelain, sgraffito

Well lookey here… look what I just brought home from the studio!!! Just in time for tomorrow’s HOLIDAY HOME SHOW. Sure, most people do sgraffito’d porcelain in black & white… but I think color is more fun!!! Limited quantities… these might go fast?!!!

Categories: bowls, sgraffito

And it’s just not sgraffito platters… I made a few “companion” bowls to go with them too! Truth be told… “just” platters don’t fill a kiln very effectively, so a few smaller bowls helped fill in some of the spaces between the platters!

Categories: platters, porcelain, sgraffito

Here’s a little bit better look at my new platters as they were coming out of the kiln… in fact, some of the shots are actually of them still IN the kiln!!! It’s gonna be first-come-first-served tomorrow morning at my HOLIDAY HOME SHOW!!!