Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: flowers, garden, seasons

It’s the FIRST DAY OF SPRING!!! Finally…
and I’m so excited to see some pops of color breaking through in my front yard. Looks like the periwinkle vinca vine is off to a good start!

Categories: flowers, nature, seasons

Bloomin’ snowdrops… a great sign that Spring is coming soon!

Categories: bike, seasons, weather


Plenty of blue skies, wispy clouds, a swift breeze… and MY BIKE!!! Sure, I rode twenty miles this morning, but when the temperature goes up into the mid-60’s for the first time this year… you just GOTTA go out to play… for another forty miles!!! Whoo-Hoo… Spring is coming!!!

Categories: seasons, weather

Feels like Spring is coming soon… but we still have a lot of ice to melt away!!! Some really cool ice “sculptures” happening in my back courtyard.

I think there’s still stairs under there somewhere?!

Categories: flowers, seasons

With sun streaming through my dining room window, this sweetie just decided to open up today! A nice white Spring Cactus flowering right on time… as I’m more than ready for SPRING!!!

Categories: flowers, seasons

Under the snow…
a little glimmer of Spring popping up as the snow continues to melt!!!

Categories: seasons, weather

After about two hours of shoveling, I finally uncovered my car!

Not so bad once you get started… and a good sense of accomplishment as you start to see car & pavement once again! At least until the next snow plow decides to pile more snow back on your car!!! Ugh… good thing I kinda enjoy shoveling!!!

Categories: nature, seasons, weather

Yep, there’s a car under there somewhere!
We got a ton of snow overnight… I’d guess about 24-inches!!!
Beautiful white fluffy snow. So pretty out there… as long as you don’t need to go anywhere.

Luckily, Lillstreet Art Center cancelled all classes again today…
so no class to teach tonight!!! More time to play!

Categories: sculpture, seasons, weather

Frozen moments on my porch. Plenty of ice & snow… considering it’s “protected” by the roof. So no huge snow accumulation here… but everywhere else we got PLENTY!!! I think it might be time to venture out with my shovel again…

Categories: nature, seasons, textures, weather

Frozen “rivers” running down the bricks of my condo!
Not quite right… but still quite beautiful!!!
Picture perfect for another Texture Tuesday!