Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: seasons, weather

Another day of October Snow!!!… good thing that this can’t go another day!
Well, snow maybe… but not October!!!

And here I thought the leaves were supposed to fall off BEFORE the snow?! Silly me.


Categories: nature, seasons

Good Morning Wednesday.
Things are looking up!…       see what I did there?!

Categories: seasons

Well, the colors they are a changing.

Categories: color, nature, seasons, textures

Today started as a beautiful Fall day. Crisp & sunny.
But then the clouds moved in… at least the Fall colors & textures remained.

Categories: nature, seasons

Red berries to kick-off the first days of Fall.

Categories: nature, seasons

It’s the FIRST DAY OF FALLand it looks like Mother Nature got the memo!!!


Categories: flowers, seasons

Spring in Chicago… in between the snow and rain,
we’ve finally got some pretty things popping up around the City.

Categories: flowers, seasons, weather

It’s April… mere days away from May… and then THIS happened today?!
What?… snow again?! I thought we were done with this stuff.

Looks like someone at Lillstreet jumped the gun with their flowers?!
But then again, who would ever expect now this late in April?!

Categories: flowers, seasons

What a difference a couple days can make?!!!… two days ago we had a snowstorm, and today we have snowy white flowers blooming on all the star magnolia bushes. Guess that’s just springtime in Chicago?!!! Crazy.

Categories: flowers, garden, seasons, weather

Just because it’s a big snowy mess outside… doesn’t mean that it isn’t still beautiful. It’s just pretty with an oddly slush-covered layer of mid-Spring snow on top of the pretty!!! No worries… it’ll melt… and maybe Spring will eventually get here for real?! Maybe…