Striking foliage, arching green stems and pink “bleeding hearts” are a highlight of every Spring. Too bad they are so fragile & so short-lived.

Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play |
Striking foliage, arching green stems and pink “bleeding hearts” are a highlight of every Spring. Too bad they are so fragile & so short-lived.
A little bit of Nature’s beauty on another gray, gloomy & rainy day in Chicago.
One of my all-time favorite Spring blooms is the “ever-elusive” Yellow Magnolia tree!… yes, YELLOW!!! I happened to find one of them today as I was biking… and it definitely brought a smile!
A little splash of cheery sunshine & beautiful spring flowers
from one of my customers up in Wisconsin…
eager to show off her new stamped & soda-fired vase!
After the rain today… another star magnolia gracing the city.
Love these spring flowers!!!
Celebrating a little EARTH DAY today with some new growth after the rain … hoping that someday soon we’ll all be cleared to go outside to enjoy it, right?!!!
Beautiful blankets of blue covered with spreading scillia plants.
A wonderful blue carpet with an occasional “pop” of daffodil yellow!
Spring is wonderful!!!
Yesterday started out beautifully sunny bursting with fresh spring blooms… like these beautiful star magnolias blossoms along my route. Some times you just need to stop and smell the roses… err, magnolias?
Good to see the bees are already up & hard at work…
Okay, so it has finally happened.
I’ve succumbed.
All day yesterday I was planning what photo to post for TEXTURE TUESDAY. Only to find out it was already Wednesday!!! Yes, I have officially forgotten what day it is!!! I knew it was inevitable… but so soon???
At least I’ve just lost track of “days” …
and not “months or seasons” like this other guy!!!
This “shit” is getting real… all pun intended.
It’s one thing to see all of this craziness going down on the TV news… but it’s another thing when it’s in your own local neighborhood Jewel grocery store! No toilet paper, paper products or cleaning supplies on the shelves. I’m still good… but this is just WEIRD!!!
Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
Lillstreet Studios ∙ 4401 North Ravenswood, Chicago, Illinois 60640 ∙ 773-307-8664 |