Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: process, production

So for now my pumpkins are drying. If you remember back to last year, I kinda “rushed” the drying process and put my pumpkins into the bisque kiln too soon. We had a little “explosion” situation because they weren’t dry yet. Let’s just say, that mistake will NOT happen again this year. I have plenty of time to let these dry this year!

Categories: process, production

After adding warts onto my pumpkins, it was time to paint them all with orange flashing slip… as my plan is to fire these in my next soda kiln. The slip might look “plain” now… but in the atmospheric firing, the soda mixture will make the slip change to an orange color. If all goes well…

Categories: process, production

You know that everyone loves a good stem on their pumpkin when searching through the pumpkin patch. So I’ve added some twisted-viny stems to my pumpkins! Next up, my other favorite thing… some good warts & bumps coming soon!!!

Categories: process, production

It’s always amazing to me how a few grooved-line indentations & a squished top can make a simple sphere look so much like a pumpkin so quickly!

Categories: process, production

While I’m still “struggling” to keep Summer alive… hanging on as long as I can… I must admit to myself that it is time to start focusing on my new Fall harvest. Starting with wheelthrown spheres… these little babies will be “pumpkintized” when they get to a soft leatherhard stage.

Categories: mugs, porcelain, process, production

Suddenly a batch of porcelain mug forms have shown up in my studio… next up?… stamping, trimming, handles & colored flashing slip accents… in that order!

Categories: mugs, process, production, stamped

All handles attached & a full batch of mugs finished before class tonight!!! It was a bit of a marathon… with a short sprint at the end. Lots of mugs finished though. I’ll keep the mugs under plastic overnight so the moisture levels can even out a bit more, and then I’ll let them start drying tomorrow!

Categories: mugs, process, production

Handles pulled & looped over. I always pull my handles by hand, and loop them over to stand them up like this. They will set-up like this a bit before I start attaching them to the mug cylinders. This way, they are already 90% set to their eventual curve… so I won’t need to bend them too much after they stiffen up more.

Categories: process, production

Here we go… gonna try to squeeze out some quick handles on my mugs… after summer camp & before I teach my intermediate wheel adults tonight. It’s gonna be close…

Categories: mugs, process, production, tools

Spinning fast… trimming bottoms… loving my DiamondCore Tools for smooth trimming! A perfect combination when used with my Giffin Grip to help center & hold the mug down for easier trimming!