I mean, who doesn’t like pottery with power tools?! Just drilling some holes through a couple new berry bowls… so much faster, so much louder!!!
Just a day later with some “creative” drying under some loose plastic, my latest batch of bowls was ready to stamp. Cute little bowls with cute little stamps!
WHEW!!!… A bunch of mini bowls thrown & ready to be covered with plastic for the night. I wouldn’t want them to dry out tonight while I teach my class.
After summer camp, but before teaching tonight… and I think I can crank out a quick batch of mini bowls. Fingers crossed…
Handles are attached & mugs are made. So now it’s time to add some accents of colored flashing slip before I set them out to dry. I like to paint the top “banded” area, and a little touch of color on each of the stamps. If all goes well, this colored slip will turn orange in my next soda firing!
Time to make some more mugs… or at least start adding handles! I pull them the old-fashioned way, and then loop them over so they can set-up a bit. I’m not sure what it says about me, but this kinda reminds me of a Rorschach Test… butterfly?… rib cage?… you tell me!!!
Just a quick morning of wheelthrowing… but it’s FAR too nice outside to work in the studio all day. So… wrapping them up because my bike is calling me again… gotta go play outside!!!
Okay, so I’ve been a little busy with unloading my soda kiln, scraping shelves, kiln washing the shelves, teaching & Summer Camping!!! So here are a few “delayed” shots from Monday night’s unloading. I’m pretty pleased with all of the bright pops of color throughout! So glad that soda-firing does not have to be all gray & brown all the time!
Another “sneaky-peek” as start to unbrick the soda kiln. It was tough to wait… but I had Summer Campers all day who had to learn how to throw on the wheel (in three hours?) More fun with them tomorrow… but now they’re gone so I’m hoping to unload before I teach again tonight!!! Fingers crossed… so far so good!!!
After a couple hours of “pottery Tetris” last night… I finally had the soda kiln stacked & loaded with a LOT of pottery. Luckily, I had “over-glazed” in my studio so I had a few extras pieces to choose from that didn’t quite make it into this kiln… so they just will have to wait until my next soda firing. Oh well… I think there will be “plenty of pots” for my next couple art fairs!