I’ve added a few layers of colored flashing slips to my mugs. A band of color along the top, and some smaller dabs of color inside most of the stamps! Hopefully these colors will “play well” during the atmospheric soda firing later! And now it’s off to class downstairs…
Little nuggets of clay standing at attention…
getting ready to start pulling some mug handles!!!
Score, slip, attach, repeat… repeat.. repeat… Another batch of mugs assembled… now they just need some colored flashing slip accents & details! Just hoping to get them all done before I go down to teach class tonight!!
Happy Mugshot Monday!!!
Handles pulled the old-fashioned way… curled over & standing up so that they can stiffen up a bit before I start attaching them to my stamped & trimmed mug cylinders!
Cutting ribbons… spinning clay… trimming bottoms! So much easier, quicker, cleaner & a lot more fun with DiamondCore Tools & my Giffin Grip – the perfect pottery studio duo!!!
After our carving demo in my Intermediate Wheel class, it was great to see Christine still at it a week later… still making such crisp & clean lines with a DiamondCore Carving Tool in hand!
In my Monday night Intermediate Wheelthrowing class this week, one of my students was stamping wonderful patterns on her thrown platter. Wonder where she got THAT idea?!
It looks AMAZING Christine!!!
I guess my work here is done…
Just trying to get a little head-start on making some more flower pots for my upcoming summer art fairs! Thrown & stamped with some water drips trays… just waiting to trim, punch drainage holes, dry, bisque fire, glaze & soda fire. Feels like I’ve got a good head-start… but there’s still a lot of steps to get them done!
Back to basics… making more mugs! But this time I have a special holiday plan. Working on something special… if I get a little “lucky”?!