Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: books, pottery

So excited to be included in another pottery book…
by author Peter Cosentino.

It’s a great collection of potters making beautiful work with all different techniques.
Page 60 is all about stamping… err, “Impressing” as they apparently call it across The Pond…
and Page 61 is all about ME!!!

Thrilled to see two of my “impressed” & soda-fired bowls take up an entire page! AMAZING!
Thanks for including me Search Press as my work has now been published internationally!!!


Categories: art fair, My Talented Friends, pottery

In case you missed the first Holiday Home Show…
in just TWO WEEKS I will be hosting another Holiday Home Show to help check people off your holiday shopping list! I’m replenishing shelves of pottery in every room of my condo… and my talented metalsmith friend Amy Taylor will be joining me for the fun!!!

Wrap it up!!!… pottery & jewelry for everyone on your list!!!

Categories: art fair, lillstreet, pottery, studio

Fun night at the Lillstreet Holiday Opening tonight. So many fun people to chat with.
Many of them doing some holiday shopping. Some getting gifts for others…
many getting gifts for themselves!!!

Categories: art fair, pottery, special events

Just putting the final touches on my HOLIDAY HOME SHOW
err, well who are we fooling???
… I’m scrambling frantically still putting everything together. Setting up displays, placing pots, hanging ornaments, hanging wall pieces, and putting out even more pottery in EVERY room!!! Still LOTS to do… but I’m looking forward to an amazing weekend to kick-off the holiday shopping season! C’mon by!!!

1353 West Rosemont #3, Chicago, Illinois 60660

Categories: pottery, production, soda-fired, stamped

A couple weeks back I made a new batch of oil lamps. Wheeltrown stoneware stamped and painted with some colored flashing slips. You can’t really see it too much, but the colors should “pop” a lot better after the soda kiln firing.

After bisque firing, they were glazed with a liner and a bit of glaze inlay in the stamped indentations. A bit of colored accent glazes sprayed here & there.. and here’s what they look like after the soda kiln firing. And now I’m matching up some wick stones for the top to hold the wick.

All of them will be on the shelves this coming weekend for my HOLIDAY HOME SHOW!!!


Categories: art fair, holiday, pottery, special events

Mark your calendar for next weekend when we kick-off the holiday season with My Home For The Holidays HOME SHOW!!! My condo will be all decked out and filled with pots in every room, food & drink in the kitchen, and the “Tired Of Shlepping Sale” on the back porch. Make plans now… make your shopping list… then stop by and start marking them off!!!

Categories: art fair, pottery, process

We’re just over a week away… from the kick-off of the holiday shopping season!
My HOLIDAY HOME SHOW is always the week before Thanksgiving.
What better holiday gift than some handmade pottery???

So I’m trying my best to get my postcards out in the mail before it’s too late!!!

Categories: pottery



After packing the car, but before hitting the road…
we decided to make a little side trip to Louisville Stoneware!

We looked through their showroom. A lot of production pottery… each mass-produced, slip cast and yet handpainted. Many of the designs using the Louisville fleur-di-lis design.

Just past the retail area, they also have a special one-of-a-kind area with handpainted beauties…
each with a special Louisville flair!

And we looked at their classroom area… mostly a paint-a-pot kinda classroom!

And then went into the Louisville Stoneware production area… with a lot of artisans hard at work cranking out the pottery!

While I’m not a huge fan of full-on, slip-cast production pottery….
I must admit I did chuckle a bit when I saw the street signs… inside potter’s joke…




Categories: pottery

Love seeing my pottery in use… even if it is the bathroom! Everyone has one, so why not make it look nice?! A beautiful slab of granite needs some nice pottery to accent the sink! Thanks Nancy for sharing!

Categories: flowers, garden, pottery

A beautiful display of wood-fired bottles by Jason Hess backed by fresh greens of the trumpet flowers growing up the walls outside the Lillstreet Gallery in the summer sun.
