More carving. More sgraffito.
Another porcelain platter “racing†its way towards next weekend’s HOLIDAY HOME SHOW!!!
Another sgraffito platter carved while firing the kiln today!
It was a very productive day today while firing…
cleaning, glazing, carving with my DiamondCore Tools… oh yeah, and firing too!!!
One last batch… hoping to hurry them through so they’re carved & glazed
by next weekend’s HOLIDAY HOME SHOW!!! Work in progress…
Sweet little porcelain mug kissed & blushing with a nice flash of soda!
Early morning mugs!
Playing with porcelain adding handles this morning!
Adding a band of black slip onto a couple of white porcelain platters.
Sgraffito coming soon!
Porcelain platters. Simple spirals.
Black slip & some sgraffito carving coming soon.
Playing with porcelain. More mugs coming soon!
Stamped porcelain with some colored flashing slip accents on the top portion and in each stamp. After soda-firing, this slip should turn mustard yellow with random flashing marks from the flames & soda atmosphere.