Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: porcelain, pottery, process, production, stamped, vases

Just finishing up another batch of stamped vases… some porcelain, some stoneware. All complete with colored flashing slip accents… and trying to dry ’em a bit quicker on an elevated plastic grid for better air-flow on all sides! Gotta get these babies into a bisque kiln quick… deadline approaching faster than I’d like…



Categories: porcelain, production, stamped, vases

All stamped & done for the night… for tomorrow I’ll trim and add some colored flashing slip accents. Getting a little tight in my deadline to get everything ready for next weekend’s soda kiln firing! Tick, tock…

Categories: porcelain, process, production, vases, wheelthrowing

Porcelain vases thrown this morning & already moving on to the stamping phase.
I love a good productive day in the studio!

Categories: clay, porcelain

Rainy morning means no sunrise… and an early morning in the studio playing with porcelain…. full of potential.

Categories: collaborations, glaze, porcelain, production, soda-fired, stamped, textures

Textured porcelain buttons up-close & personal…
can’t wait to see what Jill does with them and her beautiful Hooey Batiks!!!
Some glazed, some soda-fired, lots of colors & textures!
ART IN THE GARDEN coming soon!!!

Categories: art fair, artists, collaborations, glaze, porcelain, stamped, textures

Just a pile of porcelain buttons headed down to Jill Miller of Hooey Batiks
so she can finish up her part of our collaboration for ART IN THE GARDEN.
Come to our grassroots art fair next weekend in Glenview, Illinois…
Saturday, September 7th & Sunday, September 8th!!!

Categories: collaborations, glaze, porcelain, process, stamped, textures

One step closer to my collaboration with Jill Miller of Hooey Batiks
for ART IN THE GARDEN! Always fun to open the kiln to see that glaze magic
that happened around cone six!!!

Categories: art fair, artists, porcelain, textures

Just a couple of the porcelain buttons going into the soda kiln… hoping that the tenmoku glaze inlay helps “pop” the pattern after firing. Some of these might become part of my collaboration with Jill Miller of Hooey Batiks for ART IN THE GARDEN!!!

Categories: art fair, artists, collaborations, porcelain, textures

And speaking of ART IN THE GARDEN collaborations…
here’s another one I’ve been working on with Jill Miller of Hooey Batiks!
Looking forward to seeing what she does with these porcelain buttons…
of course after they’re glazed!

Categories: platters, porcelain, sgraffito, tools

Two sgraffito carved porcelain platters ready to be bisque fired.
So fun carving through the band of black slip with my DiamondCore Tools.
Crisp lines & sharp carvings!