Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: food, friends, platters

Looks like Rosene & Gerry are enjoying a fine morning breakfast… on some fine dinnerware! Homemade food always tastes better on handmade pottery!

Categories: glaze, platters, stamped

This platter turned out pretty special… I’m loving this green color & how it works so well with the stamped textures & spiral grooves. There’s only one… and it will be available at the Schaumburg Prairie Arts Festival tomorrow. Who knows… it might go fast?!!!

Categories: glaze, platters, process, stamped

What a difference a kiln firing can make!!!

Categories: food, platters, sgraffito, surface decoration

Looks like Julie has been busy in the kitchen again… baking up some beautiful cream puffs! It’s a shame that Keith ate too many of them… and only THREE made it to their blue sgraffito platter!!!

Categories: classes, food, platters

In addition to my piñata cupcakes… our “real” baker Martin also celebrated CAKE WEEK with yummy slices of his coconut & mango cake! Cute in its individual box… but better presentation points when I took it home! Homemade food always tastes better on handmade pottery!

Categories: platters, process

Don’t you just hate when you forget to wire a platter off the bat… and then let it dry far too long to a very stiff leatherhard… and then still try to wire it off so you can trim it?! I thought I could do it… spinning it on the wheel while I pulled the wire tool through slowly & very, very taut. But then THIS happened… so much for this platter!!! And so it goes… into the reclaim pile!!!

Categories: food, friends, platters, stamped

Looks like a yummy evening dinner at Rosene’s…
with juicy ham served on a stamped & soda-fired plate!

Categories: platters, stamped, stamps, surface decoration, textures

Adding a little texture, pattern & design to a large platter… using one of my handmade clay stamps. Pressed into the rim of the platter one stamp at a time… one by one… by one… by one…

Categories: food, friends, platters

Looks like Julie celebrated Easter today by baking this beautiful pineapple-upside-down-cake… and served it on a handmade platter by you know who! I’m sure it must have been a hit at their family celebration! Thanks Julie for sharing your festivities with the rest of us!

Categories: food, platters, pottery, stamped, surface decoration

A little post-shuffle sweet treat… warm & gooey yumminess from Ann Sather’s. I mean… I’ve already “run” all morning… and it was on my walk home from the “L” train… burp.