Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: creativity, inspiration, platters

Always fun to get my “latest installation” of artsy postcards from The Postcard Club … this batch featuring some pretty sweet illustrations & motivational messages. A little something guaranteed to brighten someone’s day!

Click here for more about The Postcard Club subscription program.

Categories: food, mugs, platters

Looks like another “Breakfast Of Champions” up in Stevens Point this morning. Powdered sugar goodness… and I can only hope that it was filled with chocolate too!!! Thanks for sharing Kristy!

Categories: classes, platters, surface decoration, textures

Last week in my SURFACE DECORATION class, we celebrated the end of the session with another “trading game”… and I came home with this wonderful plate from Christine. The rim of the plate is textured slip “squiggles” with a variety of stains & glazes at work to make this fantastic result!

Categories: art fair, platters, stamped

Kicking off my summer art fair season this weekend at the SCHAUMBURG PRAIRIE ARTS FESTIVAL. Two days in the park with lots of pottery & other talented artists! I’ll be in Booth #17… my “usual” space. Looking forward to seeing everyone out there again after a two-year “hiatus.” It’s going to feel good to be back!

Categories: food, platters, soda-fired, stamped, textures

A yummy breakfast looks even yummier on handmade pottery! Looks like Rosene’s day is off to a great start… crispy, creamy & cheesy. What’s not to like?!

Categories: food, platters, pottery

Did I mention ROAD TRIP???…
Did I mention diversions?… and snacks?… like this yummy cherry pie I picked up along the way. A quick stop at the NORSKE NOOK in Osseo to break-up the drive, stretch the legs, buy some gas… and a PIE!!!

Categories: food, friends, platters

Looks like Jody has been baking for her family & celebrating Easter with a special carrot cake… even if it might have fallen to pieces coming out of the pan?! Ha!!!

Still looks great on a nice platter with frosting drizzled everywhere!!!
I mean, I would still eat it.

Categories: platters, stamped

Lotsa’ stamps, lotsa’ green & one really impressive spiral! Another large platter fresh out of the kiln… getting ready & building inventory for the summer art fair season which seems to be coming quickly?!

Categories: platters, stamped, textures

Celebrating another TEXTURE TUESDAY with a large stamped platter… fired with a nice cone six green glaze that pools, puddles & works its magic on the repetitive stamped textures!

Categories: platters, process, production, stamped, stamps

Stamping up another platter… one handmade stamp pressed in over & over again… one by one by one… So much more fun that a plain, smooth plate!