A little post-Christmas get-together with friends… a large platter of cookies, a couple hours, a couple games, a lot of laughs… and whoops, the cookies are almost gone! … burp.

Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play |
A little post-Christmas get-together with friends… a large platter of cookies, a couple hours, a couple games, a lot of laughs… and whoops, the cookies are almost gone! … burp.
Homemade chocolate cheesecake on a handmade stamped platter. Nothing better than sharing treats from the oven… on top of treats from the kiln! MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!
Making pretty… more is more... getting ready for a little family fun this afternoon! Chocolate makes every Christmas better!!!
Gotta love when a pottery student leaves a sweet chocolate treat in your teacher’s shelf for you… an AMAZING chocolate & peppermint holiday cookie from Levain Bakery. And since I “always” follow directions (ha)… I did zap it in the microwave first so it got all gooey, melt & yummy. Even the smell was intoxicating!
Sure, not the proverbial apple on the teacher’s desk… but this is SO much better!!! Thanks for the yummy holiday treat Christine!
The large purple platter has been so popular at my art fairs this summer… and I typically only had one per show! Well, this time… I HAVE TWO AUBERGINE PLATTERS for this weekend’s Mud & Metal Holiday Home Show!!! Yes, two… count them TWO!!!
More glamour shots of that same purple platter from last night’s kiln unloading. We’ve been joking about what “color” this actually is. Do we think it might be too pretty to just call it purple?… but if we call it something fancy like “aubergine”… then I think I should be able to charge twice as much for it!!! HA!!!
A pretty little purple platter fresh out of last night’s kiln… before & after. It’s amazing what a little kiln magic can do to some powdered glaze chemicals!!!
Looks like a “Breakfast of Champions” down in Bartonville! I mean, who doesn’t want to start their day with the smell of bacon wafting through the kitchen?! Thanks for sharing your morning ritual with us Gerry & Rosene!
And yes, if the dishes on Chris’s Thanksgiving table look familiar… that’s because she just picked up her special order dinner plates the night before Thanksgiving! Just in time for the big holiday feast! She requested a set of dinner plates that are all different… different stamps, different squiggles, different coloring… but at the same time would still “read” together as a group.
Remember, your pottery collection does not need to be all matchy-matchy…
Sure, we had pumpkin pie & my cheesecake for dessert yesterday… but who doesn’t want some chocolate brownies too?! My niece Taylor made a batch of brownies to add to the celebration yesterday… just one more yummy platter on the table!
Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
Lillstreet Studios ∙ 4401 North Ravenswood, Chicago, Illinois 60640 ∙ 773-307-8664 gary@firewhenreadypottery.com |