Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: classes, platters, surface decoration

Maya has been in my Intermediate Wheelthrowing class for awhile now… still working on her platters! Her plan is to do a “constellation” installation at home of about a dozen large platters all with a theme of leaves… but done in different sizes & surface decoration techniques! Can’t wait to continue this journey with Maya when she returns for my Spring class too!

Categories: platters, stamped, stamps, surface decoration, textures

Another large platter wheelthrowing demo… got a little makeover once I got it up to my studio. Just a couple stamps here & there. All made with one handmade stamp pressed in one-by-one-by-one…

Categories: challenge, classes, platters, stamped, stamps

Never one to back down from a challenge… I kinda felt obligated to make a clock for my LILLSTREET THROWDOWN as well. Sure, I coulda’ done a cartoon… but I felt this was more my style! The twist was that I used my student’s stamps that they made during a previous THROWDOWN challenge!!! They had no idea that I snuck them out of the bisque kiln & used them on my clock before I distributed them during the next class!!! So much fun to show it off during our final class! Fun clay clocks for everyone!!!

Categories: food, platters, stamped

Food just tastes better on handmade pottery!

Categories: artists, food, holiday, platters, porcelain, surface decoration

I’ve been looking forward to this all day… Celebrating NATIONAL PI(e) DAY!!! March 14th… also known as 3.14… also know as Pi. A yummy piece of cherry pie on a beautiful handmade porcelain plate made by my friend & teaching assistant Susan Slogoff. All hand-painted with black underglaze as the perfect contrast to the white porcelain!!!

Categories: platters, stamped, textures

Another large serving platter… stamped & textured using two simple tools. Each stamped impression pressed in one-by-one… by one… by one… by one… just “a couple” impressions to fill it in all the way around the platter!

Categories: food, platters, pottery

Homemade food always tastes better on handmade pottery!

Categories: classes, platters, stamped, surface decoration

At the end of this week’s LILLSTREET THROWDOWN, we had a table full of beautifully stamped platters! My students killed it… using their own handmade stamps to create these platter masterpieces!

TINA’s platter… and WINNER of the stamped platter challenge!

LIBBY’s platter – and our second place platter!

BRITTANY’s platter – third place… and our only non-wheelthrower!

And now the rest… in no particular order…

TRACY’s platter

AUTUM’s platter

KATIE’s platter

AARON’s platter

CLAIRE’s platter

ALLISON’s platter

ASHLEY’s platter

Categories: classes, platters, stamped, stamps

I’m assuming you’ve figured it out… my THROWDOWN class made large platters… and then made their own stamps… any guesses???

Well, I was “hoping” that they might not have put it together, but I think they all had a pretty good clue! Anyway, this week’s LILLSTREET THROWDOWN challenge was to take the stamps they made last week and decorate their platters using primarily their stamps as their surface decoration technique! And many of them have never stamped before!… wait, what?!!!

Categories: platters, process, production, stamped, stamps, textures

Just a handmade stamp & a pointy piece of wood. Soon enough I had this fully stamped platter ready to start drying more. Still needs to be trimmed… but one step closer to done!