Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: Chicago, photography, sunrise

Big sky shows sometimes require a panoramic shot…
showing the clouds moving in and blowing across the horizon!

Categories: photography, seasons

A wet montage of fallen leaves this morning.


Categories: photography, sunrise
Categories: photography, sunrise

Colorful clouds sweeping across the City this morning.
Big sky shows require big photos!

Categories: photography, sunrise

Colorful clouds sweeping the skyline.
Big clouds, big photo!

Categories: Chicago, photography

A fun “photo shoot” time at the Peoples Gas Education Pavilion just south of the Zoo. The sun was at just the right place to illuminate the amazing structure. Timing is everything… and a cool structure sure helps too!




Categories: blogs, photography, pottery

As we kiss 2017 goodbye, and a big hello to 2018…
it’s a great chance to reflect on some of our pottery fun from INSTAGRAM.

My 2017 goal was to double my Instagram Posts & Likes from 2016.
I fell just a smidge short of the doubled-posts goal, but nearly tripled my Likes… WHOO-HOO!!!

So don’t forget that you can always follow here on Facebook,
but there’s even more visual fun on INSTAGRAM too!!!





Categories: family, ornaments, photography, Taylor

Seven Days & Seven Photos in black & white of your everyday life.
No explanation, no people. Challenge a friend to join everyday.

Day 7 of 7. I was challenged by my friends Barb Duro & Pam Walden.
Today I challenge Scott Hayner on Facebook… and Taylor Hayner on Instagram!

Categories: photography, pottery, stamped

Seven Days & Seven Photos in black & white of your everyday life.
No explanation, no people. Challenge a friend to join everyday.

Day 6 of 7. I was challenged by my friends Barb Duro & Pam Walden.
Today I challenge Pamela Johnson-Howe.


Categories: artists, friends, photography

Seven Days & Seven Photos in black & white of your everyday life.
No explanation, no people. Challenge a friend to join everyday.

Day 5 of 7. I was challenged by my friends Barb Duro & Pam Walden.
Today I challenge Kelly Minikin Novak.