It’s a BIG holiday morning… with a BIG sunrise sky show…
so it only makes sense to have some BIG sunrise photos too!!!
Okay, so I was “supposed†to be focused on my Christmas Shopping List today…
but how could I pass up a beautiful hike through the woods on a surprisingly warm
& sunny Saturday?! Apparently I couldn’t.
A little cloudy to start, but it definitely cleared up to become a beautiful day for playing downtown yesterday!
 And then sometimes THIS happens!!!
A sunrise party on my camera lens! Not a huge fan of the solar flares on my camera lens…
and thus my affinity for the well-placed silhouette.
However yesterday’s “polka dot party” was pretty darn impressive!!!
With a sky full of clouds splashed with colors… a big sky-show requires BIG PHOTOS!!!
When the sky is splashed with BIG colors…
sometimes a BIG photo is required to capture it… or two?!!!
Beautiful blue skies. Beautiful vista over the lake.
Panoramic photo needed to capture the beauty!
Big sunrise sky-shows require big sunrise photos!!!
And this morning had one of them!!!
Spent the weekend down in Bartonville (near Peoria) visiting some good friends & playing in their amazing garden with my Cousin Kim! It’s just enough warmer down there that they are easily a few weeks ahead of us. So many Spring flowers already blooming in their amazing garden! Full of colors, textures and a bunch of wonderful rust pieces!!!