Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: photography, sunrise

A big sky sunrise with lots of clouds & colors sometimes needs a BIG picture!



Categories: nature, photography, sunrise

The waves were crashing this morning… yet not everyone was happy to see them. Apparently there was a “fatality” along the way. Bad timing. Tragic & beautiful… as the sunrise lit up the monarch and the water drops that took it down!

Categories: blogs, photography

It was a beautiful day to play outside… gorgeous weather, beautiful sights. And a couple shots from my INSTAGRAM. Be sure to follow me @firewhenreadypottery. Although I will admit that I’m not so good with the “insta” part… I’m much better with the LATERGRAM!!! Fun photos, fun filters… and a few shots that may never make it to Facebook.

Categories: Chicago, photography, sunrise

Big sky show this morning. Incredible colors sweeping across the horizon all along the Lakefront. It only lasted a few minutes… but each one was better than the last.


Categories: Chicago, photography, sunrise

Big sky drama means big photo fun… barely before the rain clouds moved in!!!

Categories: Chicago, photography, sunrise

Beautiful sunrise colors sweeping across the sky and backlighting the Chicago Skyline.

Categories: Chicago, photography, sunrise

Big sky show this morning… spanning across the sky and into the Skyline!

Categories: photography, sunrise

Big sky. Big color. Big fun.

Categories: nature, photography, sunrise

Big sunrise sky show this morning. Huge.
So big that just ONE big photo couldn’t capture it… so here’s THREE.
What starts out bright & vibrant all too soon dissipates in the morning sky. Enjoy.


Categories: nature, photography, sunrise

Huge color splash across the morning sky!