Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: nature

Love how the sun is illuminating these fern fronds from behind.
Making the color pop & the texture show-up even better!

Categories: flowers, garden, nature

Loving the larkspur that just started blooming in my garden this week! That beautiful purple color floating above feathery stems. And it looks like there are still a lot of blooms to come!!! The way these things have spread all over my garden… I’m sure they would be considered a “weed” if the flowers weren’t so pretty! HA!!!

Categories: flowers, nature

Sunshine yellow with early morning shadows.

Categories: flowers, nature

Always exciting to find a monarch caterpillar out in the wild… even if they are eating away the milkweeds – HA! These orange milkweeds must be a “specialty” flavor for them?!

Categories: flowers, nature

Pedaling through prairies & wildflowers this afternoon… amazed at the colors & textures already blooming out there. The wildflowers were amazing… but let’s just say, that red-winged blackbird was NOT so happy to see me there! Protecting his area… screeching & dive-bombing at me… telling me to move on away from his territory!

Categories: nature

A beautiful afternoon of biking away from the lakefront for a scenic change of pace. Enjoyed the tranquility pedaling through some of the lakes & ponds out in the forest preserves!

Categories: flowers, nature, seasons

Pretty little flowers in the garden with their intoxicating scent.
It’s Lily-Of-The-Valley season!!!

Categories: nature, pottery

Sure, there may have been a bit of rain this weekend during the Minnesota Pottery Tour… but pottery always looks better when it’s wet!!! Plus, I kinda loved the rain drops splashing on the black platter & filling the white bowl… and the rain “shadows” on the wooden shelving.

Categories: flowers, nature

With the Minnesota weather being a little colder than Chicago’s… it was fun to see their crabapple trees just starting to bloom as ours are already starting to peter-out. These two flowering trees were at Guillermo’s stop along the Minnesota Pottery Tour.

Categories: nature

One of my all-time favorite trees… stunning Redbud Trees in full bloom along the lakefront bike trail. I love how flowers that grow along all of the branches… as well as the graceful sweeping & arching shapes the branches make. A beautiful area full of Spring colors & natural beauty. It doesn’t get much better than this!!!