Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: lillstreet, summer camp

How can you not LOVE teaching Summer Camp…
when faces like these are looking back at you every day?!

Categories: lillstreet, summer camp

As this week of camp continues… my morning Wheelthrowing Camp finished off
their stoneware pieces to get them into a bisque kiln. They trimmed, they stamped,
they carved, they added handles, they finished their pots. We then switched to
terra cotta and they found out it was a lot messier than stoneware! But still a lot of fun!

And who wears WHITE on terra cotta day?! I tried to warn them all ahead of time…
let’s just say, that outfit will never be white ever again!!!

My afternoon camp started working on color theory by painting their own color wheels.
With just the primary colors & white, they had to fill in the entire grid with their color
combinations. When they finish this part… the plan is that they’re going to recreate
the color wheel again but this time with collage pieces!

Categories: lillstreet, summer camp

So my Wheelthrowing Camp is only for the morning session.
At 1:00pm, many of the kids go home, while others start the afternoon session.
This week, my afternoon session is Clay & Multimedia. Which basically means
we do a clay project on Monday, and then other random art projects throughout
the week. And if all goes as planned, they’ll have a fun time, make some great projects,
learn a little bit along the way… and take home all of their projects on Friday.
Including their terra cotta plaques we made today. Here’s a few in the works…

Categories: lillstreet, summer camp

Today was the first day of another week of Summer Camp.
This time, my morning camp is Wheelthrowing with the kids. Too funny!

So something that adults sign up for and take a 10-week class, suddenly…
we expect these kids to “get it” in just five days! It will be a fast & focused week!
I do a couple quick demonstrations, they do some throwing with stoneware,
some trimming, some stamping (perhaps?), and those posts go right in the kiln.
Then we switch to terra cotta for some more throwing & finishing. A little hand building
on Thursday, as well as some underglaze. Then on Friday, their stoneware bisque comes
out of the kiln and they’ll do some glazing, as well as glazing their terra cotta pieces!
So like I said, there’s a LOT of work ahead of them… abd keeping it fun at the same time…

And so far… they’re off to a good start…

By the end of class, some were still a mess… and others were eager to wash their hands!

Categories: classes, lillstreet

Looking for something fun to do this Summer?
Come play in the mud with the rest of us!

The new Summer Session of clay classes begins next week at Lillstreet Art Center.
My class is on Tuesday nights and is multi-level for there’s something for everyone.
Whether you’ve never touched clay before, or did it back in high school
Beginning & Advanced Beginning Wheelthrowing
Tuesday nights from 7:00-10:00pm

My class begins one week from tonight!!!
So, register today for the 8-week session… before classes fill up!
Stop by Lillstreet Art Center, call or register online… click here!

Categories: lillstreet, summer camp

My “Wild Things” summer camp came to an end today… with the kids working frantically
to get all of the final details done on their animal sculptures. After clay masks on Monday,
and our Zoo Field Trip on Tuesday, we’ve been working on plaster sculptures the rest
of the week. With wire armatures and newspaper filler, they covered their sculptures
with plaster gauze and created these wonderful animals. We had quite the menagerie…
zebras, pegasuses, dragons, giraffes, monkeys, seals, mynah birds, parrots, lizards &
elephants all over the room! And bunch of adorable “Wild Things” making them!

Categories: lillstreet, summer camp

Back from the Zoo… and filled with inspiration, creativity and spunk,
my campers were ready work on their animal sculptures. We’ve been building them
with wire armatures inside, wrapped with newspaper to fill them out, secured with
a layer of masking tape… and now they’re covering the sculptures with a “skin” of
plaster gauze. Kinda like paper maché, but easier & stronger!

Categories: lillstreet, summer camp

When we returned from the Zoo, my kids were picked up and headed home.
I came back into Lillstreet only to find that the Teen Wheelthrowing Camp
was “showing off” a bit.. well, at least one of them! Logan, one of our long-time campers
who has grown-up with us over the years, was actually throwing his pots with his feet!
And Dave, the teacher for Teen Wheel was encouraging him… and everyone else looked
on in befuddled amazement. In the end, Logan did a great job. Maybe not the most
effective way to throw on a wheel… but entertaining nonetheless!!!

Categories: lillstreet, summer camp

So today we went to Lincoln Park Zoo for our “Wild Things” camp field trip.
I gathered all of my happy campers onto the bus and we head off to the zoo.

When we got there, my kids were given a “scavenger hunt” assignment to gently
“encourage” them to be interactive and actually learn & see the Zoo instead of
just walking around all day. They were great – and worked so hard on the worksheet.
They even had several great conversations with the docents & zoo keepers to get answers
to some of their questions. Sure there were animals. And we saw a LOT of them!!!

For lunch, we all gathered at the central patio area. After the finished eating, they all worked
on watercolor paintings of their favorite animals. It’s always fun to see the kids making artwork
while they’re at the Zoo. Putting their new “animal enthusiasm” to good use!

However, the same every year, the kids really love the crazy fountain at the Children’s Zoo
with the water “popping out” of the sidewalk at sporadic moments. Who needs animals???
They were hot, tired and ready to play! The squeals of glee & excitement were contagious.
Okay, so I had some soaking wet kids on the bus headed back to Lillstreet… okay, so some
of the kids were still wet when they were picked up… okay, so they had a great time!!!

And I must admit… my campers this week are adorable!
So much fun to play with… err, I mean teach… and here are some of their smiling faces!!!

Categories: lillstreet, masks, summer camp

Back to camp, and a room full of fun, creativity, craziness & energy.
This week I have fourteen campers focusing all week on “all things animals.”
Today we got to know each other and then set out to make clay animal masks.
This being our only “clay” day, they all had to finish our terra cotta masks, paint
them with underglaze and set them to drying overnight. Tomorrow we’ll put on a
layer of clear glaze… and then head out for a fun-filled day at Lincoln Park Zoo!!!

So first I did a little “clay basics bootcamp” discussing some of the basic skills &
techniques they all need to do. And the huge importance of scoring & slipping.
Or “scratch & attach” as I sometimes call it with the kids. Plus slabs, coils, air bubbles,
and all of the other important things to the success of their project. And the fun began!

Once we had the basic creatures assembled… then we added
color underglazes to bring them to life!