Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: kiln firing, lillstreet

The kiln rebuilding looks to be coming along nicely. Today the team got the steel frame back in place. As well as building the wooden frame for the arch bricks to sit on. The kiln looks a little smaller than the old one… but I’m sure it will “grow” as they add the arch bricks tomorrow.

Categories: lillstreet

Doug Jeppesen, Neil Estrick and the kiln building team made some great progress today on the new soda kiln at Lillstreet Art Center. It’s starting to look like something is coming together! Can’t wait to see those brand-spankin’-new kiln bricks after a few soda firings!!!

Categories: lillstreet
Categories: lillstreet

Several skids of new kiln bricks showed up at Lillstreet today. Looks like some kiln building is about to take place!?… I think the plan is for Doug & Neil and the kiln building team to start building tomorrow. Can’t wait to see it all come back together.

Categories: lillstreet

It looks like not much is happening in the soda kiln room these days. It was a quick rush to finish my firing and clear out in time for the demolition. And now it seems to just be sitting there empty. Although if you look inside the room, you’ll see that the newly-poured cement foundation has been uncovered and is now drying & curing.

Categories: classes, lillstreet

Tonight is the first night of the Fall session of classes at Lillstreet.
I’ve got a full class to start with the basics of wedging, centering & throwing.
And if I can’t get ’em with that… I’m sure some Oreo’s will help me win them over!!!

Categories: kiln firing, lillstreet

The cement foundation was poured today for the new Lillstreet soda kiln.
I’m sure it’s going to take some time for that chunk of cement to dry!!!

Categories: kiln firing, lillstreet

Good thing I fired my soda kiln last weekend and unloaded Monday night.
The soda kiln I use was completely demolished on Tuesday!!!
Looks I got out just in the nick of time!!!

Yes, the soda kiln at Lillstreet Art Center was completely torn down yesterday so that they can make a newer & improved version. Everything is gone except for the burner system!!! The current kiln was having some”moving” brick issues… and the arch was pretty much flat and “non-arch-like” towards the end. So now we have a practically empty kiln room… except for the piles of sand, dust & debris.

There are pieces & parts everywhere. Trying to save as many bricks as possible.
As well as the steel framework from the floor… and the side & corner posts.
Might be reused… might just become a souvenir?!

And bricks pretty much stacked up everywhere… in the kiln room, on carts, on shelves…

This will all be cleaned up and a new concrete foundation will be poured. Once that cures, they will start building the new kiln brick by brick. It’s pretty exciting… but a HUGE amount of work. Oh, I remember… I was one of the ones who built the very first soda kiln at the new Lillstreet location along with my friend & potter Emily Murphy. Special thanks to all of the volunteers who are working on this kiln demolition & re-building project!!!

Categories: classes, lillstreet

If you’re thinking of taking a Fall pottery class… sign up quickly!!!
There are only two spaces left in my Tuesday night wheelthrowing class.
The new session begins on Tuesday, September 1oth from 7:00-10:00pm.
It’s considered Beginner & Advanced Beginner Wheelthrowing… so pretty much anybody!!!

Sign-up quickly… don’t get stuck on the waiting list. And there will be one…
Click here to register online.

Categories: lillstreet

Congratulations to Lillstreet Art Center for celebrating ten years at our “new” location. Sure, we may not be on the actual Lill Street anymore… but it’s hard to believe that we’ve been on the corner of Ravenswood & Montrose now for a full decade?! And to think that I’ve been there as a student, monitor, teacher, studio member & summer camp counselor during those years. Where did the time go?… and just think how many pots I’ve made there since we’ve moved?!