Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: lillstreet, summer camp, terra cotta

Look what just came out of the kiln!!!
The kids left camp with a layer of colored underglazes on their pieces. One of the Kid’s Monitors did a winderful job of glazing the pieces carefully for them. Tracey actually dipped them upside down in a bucket of clear glaze that had been thinned down. Brilliant!!! And now that the kid’s sets are done & complete, I thought I should share some quick phtoos before they go home!!! Check… and Check Mate.

Hockey : Two Teams… complete with the MVP Trophy and the Stanley Cup as King & Queen.

Cats vs. Dogsthe age old rivalry between canines & felines!
With bones as pawns for the Dogs,,, and mice as the pawns for the Cats.

A “Normal” Chess Sethe didn’t want no crazy theme!!!
He just wanted the Kings to be Kings and the Queens to be Queens. Simple. Done.

Normal People vs. Normal Peopleor something like that?!
So I’m not really sure why one line of pawn is boxes of golf balls? And the other line of pawns is basketball players, with only two having basketballs?! Doesn’t really matter though… Jane was fully committed & dedicated to her theme. It all made sense in her head and that’s what matters most.

Mario vs. Bowzeror something like that?!
I know it’s a video game reference, but sadly I’m “too old” to be hip to the new games!

Godzilla vs. Monsterzillaor something like that?
Again, the little guy was completely engaged in his project and could tell you what each piece was and why it made sense in his theme. And if he’s happy… so am I.

Categories: artists, classes, lillstreet, pottery

Several of the students in my Tuesday night Beginning & Advanced Beginning Wheelthrowing were more on the “advanced” returning side. As always, I like to customize the 10-week class to their wants & needs. So the first night I ask them what they want and the syllabus is built from that discussion. Along the way, I decided that some of my “returning” beginners needed an extra challenge!!!

So I challenged them to create a dinnerware place setting!!! To step it up and make a few pieces that go together. To make a plan, design a set, discuss visual continuity and so much more. Several of my student took the challenge… and showed off their final results last night during our last class of the session. We talked about having a dinner plate, salad plate, bowl, mug and tumbler. Anything additional was a bonus!

Dave : His set has a wonderful dragonfly illustration he carved into each piece and inlaid with colored slip. Beautifully rendered & well-crafted.

Sara : Her set utilized B-Clay and the way amber celadon so beautifully works with the clay… and just a hint of blue!

Marni : Unfortunately, Marni’s set has a few glazing issues. Her first plate had a much more subtle ombre effect of dark-to-light slip. The waxy white glaze didn’t cover all of her delicate slip work. It seems like the glaze may have been a bit too thick for the rest of her pieces. So they’re a little whiter than she expected, and the slip ombre gradation doesn’t show through as much as we wanted. Still, all-in-all, a beautiful set of “white” dishes.

Jeanette : Her set has a wonderful contrast of black-to-white and matte-to-shiny. Her splatter accents help with her contemporary style. Jeanette also has a slightly “odd” design continuity going on… you can’t quite see it, but let’s just say we’ve got to work on her clean waxing skills in the her next class. There’s a small “fingerprint” of wax on almost every piece where the glaze couldn’t adhere… so there’s a spot of raw clay showing through?! Adorably cute & consistent.

Melissa : After experimenting with marbled clay, Melissa went for it with her set. It’s a marbled combination of B-Clay and Stoneware with Ochre. Then a partial glazing with Josh Green glaze, and a light coat of gerstley borate on the interior. Her set has a wonderful “rustic-ness” to it – what with the earthy clay body and the patina-style glaze. And MORE pieces than were expected.. over achiever!!!

Patty : Her set played with matte black glaze and dramatic “brushstroke” of wax to create a wispy void across the pieces.

Katie : Unfortunately, Katie had a few more pieces still in the kiln. Cooling… but not ready to show off during our last class. I’m sure they will be beautiful with the contrast of Shaner White and Cohen’s Copper Red glaze.

I had a couple more students working on the challenge. Some were struggling. Some just found that life gets in the way of pottery sometimes. One of my students, Vanessa, kind of went off on a wonderful tangent and decided to carve and slip-inlay wonderful designs on all of her pieces. Her labor-intensive technique is illustrating bones, cellular structures and other wonderfully anatomical concepts onto her pieces… like a cranium with all its fissures on the inside of her bowl. She’s still working on them… abd I can’t wait to see the final results.

A huge congratulations to my students who completed their first Dinnerware Challenge. It’s a tough project to stay focused and design a set like this on your first try. I think they all did a wonderful job – and hopefully will continue with this momentum and keep moving forward. Thanks for playing along with my silly little reindeer games!

Categories: lillstreet, tiles

Another new face has “magically” appeared on the ArtReach bricolage at Lillstreet. The back hallway is getting better & better every day!!!

Categories: artists, lillstreet

So the ArtReach bricolage in the back hallway at Lillstreet is coming along nicely.
There was a “team” working on it this weekend. Tile. Snip. Break. Glue. Stick. Repeat.
Good to see a few of my shards have made the wall… check out the green eyeball.

Categories: artists, classes, lillstreet

Love when you find a random monster hanging out on the Student Show-Off Shelves
at Lillstreet. And the late afternoon lighting made it even better.
Scary & silly all at the same time!!!

Categories: artists, lillstreet

The back staircase bricolage project is moving forward. Turns out it is the handiwork of Rochelle Borrett who is the Program Director for Lillstreet’s ArtReach Program. Methinks this will be a collaborative effort for a lot of ArtReach groups! Can’t wait to see it progress…

Categories: creativity, lillstreet

Somebody’s been doodling…
Something new is happening along the back staircase of Lillstreet Art Center…
It’s been an unattractive & slightly grimy brick stairway for years.
A little art on the walls will be a very welcome addition!!!

Categories: classes, lillstreet

Registration is open for the Summer session of classes at Lillstreet Art Center.
I will once again be teaching my Tuesday night class for Beginning & Advanced Beginning Wheelthrowing. It’s a 10-week class for Beginners of all levels starting on June 23rd. I customize our syllabus every session based on who signs up and what they want to learn. I’ll show ’em pretty much anything!!! There are only 18 spots for 18 students at the 18 wheels in my classroom… sign-up soon before you end up on the Waiting List.

Plus, if you sign-up and pay before June 1st you’ll get a $20 discount!!!
Stop by Lillstreet today, call or click here for online registration.

Categories: bowls, lillstreet

Tonight is the Empty Bowls fundraiser at Lillstreet Art Center.
I dropped off my donation bowls this morning… including a couple fun class demos with marbled clay! Empty Bowls starts at 5:00pm. Get there early for the best choice… although there are HUNDREDS & HUNDREDS of bowls to choose from!!!


Categories: classes, lillstreet

Looks like there’s only one spot left in my Tuesday night Beginning & Advanced Beginning Wheelthrowing class for the Spring session that starts on April 7th. Sign up today before that last spot is gone… and we move onto a Waiting List situation!!!

Visit Lillstreet Art Center in person, call or click here to register online.