Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: kiln firing, workshop

Towards the end of the soda-firing yesterday, it was time for my “workshoppers” to mix up the soda mixture & prep it for putting it into the kiln. I like to insert the mixture by scooping it onto a long angle iron that will then go into the kiln through two peeps that are directly over the fire boxes.

Categories: kiln firing, soda-fired, workshop

Yesterday was my firing day for the 3-DAY SODA-FIRING WORKSHOP. So much fun firing the kiln when the flames start to peek out during “body reduction.” Basically, when the gas-to-air ratio is a bit out of whack and the flames are searching for more air!

Categories: kiln firing

Cones are finally dropping… “body reduction” in full force!!!

Categories: kiln firing

The heat is on… and the kiln is warming up nicely!
Just waiting for some cones to start dropping.

Categories: kiln firing, workshop

Early this morning…. the door is all sealed, pyrometers in place… and we have IGNITION!!!

Categories: classes, kiln firing, soda-fired

So much fun watching Kelsey get so enamored by the flashings & patinas on some of the crusty kiln door bricks. Sure, it might have slowed down our process a little… but Kelsey is right… some of the bricks are GORGEOUS!!!

Categories: classes, kiln firing, lillstreet, soda-fired

After stacking the kiln full of pots, it was time to close the door last night… brick-by-brick, one at a time. Luckily, I had some eager volunteers to help with the process. The bricks of the kiln door have been well-used & well-worn through MANY soda-firings, so stacking them is an ever-changing challenge. With that, a little sealing of the bigger cracks with some wadding always helps. They all persevered and we finally got it closed up & put to bed for the night.

Categories: classes, kiln firing, lillstreet, soda-fired

It was a LONG night of loading, with my SODA WORKSHOP students learning a lot & did a lot of the work! They did a great job collectively… working together to make some loading decisions & working together to get all of their pieces in! Most of them had never loaded a kiln before… so this was.a great learning curve for them!

Categories: classes, kiln firing, lillstreet, soda-fired

Last night we started with an empty kiln for my 3-DAY SODA-FIRING WORKSHOP. So my “workshoppers” started their evening with glazing & wadding their bisqued pieces. The goal for last night was to FILL this kiln… and they did!!!

Categories: kiln firing

Just in time for this weekend’s HOLIDAY HOME SHOW!
Gotta replenish & restock the shelves!!!