Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: flowers, holiday, soda-fired, stamped, vases

Just bringing a little bit of Spring inside with just a few snips!
No huge centerpiece… just my take on a Spring ikebana floral arrangement.
Seemed fitting for the day!

Oh, what to do with the tiny little leftover snips?…
put them in a tiny little vase of course!

Categories: holiday, YouTube

So I “think” I may have just been to my first Seder Dinner?!
Let’s not get crazy… I was self-isolating home alone as usual…
but watched “Saturday Night Seder” on my laptop!

My friend Pam told me about it… a star-studded celebrity evening of a “virtual” Seder Celebration! Now it wasn’t very religious, but they did cover the stories, the wine, the Seder plate and sang a few songs along the way! Seemed like a party to me… even if everyone was partying from the safety of their own homes! I still think it counts, right?!

Hosted by Jason Alexander, with tons of celebrities like Fran Drescher, Josh Groban, Darren Criss, Andy Cohen, Idina Menzel, Bette Middler, Billy Porter, Isaac Mizrahi, Judith Light, Debra Messing, Richard Kind, Billy Eichner, Dan Levy, and more… plus a few Rabbis… one Rabbi with a DJ disco light on his ceiling?!

Click here to watch “Saturday Night Seder” on YouTube.

Categories: holiday, nature, seasons, textures

Okay, so it has finally happened.
I’ve succumbed.

All day yesterday I was planning what photo to post for TEXTURE TUESDAY. Only to find out it was already Wednesday!!! Yes, I have officially forgotten what day it is!!! I knew it was inevitable… but so soon???

At least I’ve just lost track of “days” …
and not “months or seasons” like this other guy!!!

Categories: holiday, textures

It’s a combo today… it’s TEXTURE TUESDAY and St. Patrick’s Day…
so I thought I’d capture my purple shamrock in front of some textured rattles!

Categories: food, holiday

We still have reasons to celebrate, right?! It’s NATIONAL PIE (pi) DAY… and I just couldn’t decide! Thank You to the best little pie cafe at Lillstreet… First Slice Cafe!

Categories: holiday

I’m looking forward to a wonderful new year. This past year had some great moments & highlights, but also a few hard times. I’m hoping that 2020 is filled with great friends, and even more magical moments & wonderful experiences. Thank You all for following along on my journey here on Facebook. I hope you all have a wonderful new year as well… let’s all have some fun this year… WELCOME 2020!!!

Categories: holiday

Here’s hoping you all are having a wonderful evening to finish off the year!
Have fun with your family, your friends… and those special friends you choose
to make part of your family! Bring on the New Year… have fun & be safe!!!



Categories: friends, holiday, mugs, soda-fired, stamped

HAPPY MUGSHOT MONDAY… with Instagram greetings from friends in Colorado who were apparently snuggling down on a cold Winter’s night with a mug of something frothy & yummy! Thanks for sharing Kristin & Camden!

Categories: collaborations, friends, holiday, My Talented Friends, soda-fired, stamped

Here’s another wonderful gift from one of My Talented Friends…
Sarah Chapman and I had discussed doing a collaboration project “awhile back” where we would work together to make lidded jars. Well, she’s had “plenty of time” to work up a plan… but she totally surprised me when this beauty showed up as part of my Christmas Gift!!! I had totally forgotten about them… but now I LOVE IT!!!

And I LOVE having Talented Friends!!!

Categories: friends, holiday, My Talented Friends

Gotta love post-Christmas get-togethers with Talented Friends… specially when they make you “sweet” gifts!!! Like this handmade spoon from my friend Pam… who I co-teach a summer camp for kids with where they make a full placesetting in clay & utensils in metal! Kinda like this spoon…. but not quite so “refined” shall we say! And of course some of my favorite ice cream to help the spoon fulfill its destiny!