Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: glaze, process, production

So this is what I’ve been looking at a lot the past couple days… bisque that needs to be glazed! I’ve been trying to stay focused & tackle it bit by bit. Seems like I’m right on schedule… but everyone knows that glazing is my least favorite part of the entire process!!!

Categories: glaze, summer camp

To finish off one of my favorite weeks of Summer Camp… I showed my kids how to do bubble glazing. And they LOVED IT!!! Such a fun way to top off an amazing week with a great group of kids! Most of them had never thrown on the wheel before. They struggled a bit on Monday, but with some practice they were making cute pots soon enough. They were all so focused, talented & entertaining. So helpful & willing to pitch-in all week long. They made such great progress… and bubble glazing was a great finale for them!

But the real quote of the week was from Luca at the end of Friday…
“The was the best week of my life.”

Categories: glaze, summer camp

Another summer camp mishap… but they all learned another valuable lesson! This is what happens when someone doesn’t put the lid on correctly! Luckily, it’s just wax… and even better… it splattered so close to the floor drain!

Categories: color, glaze, summer camp, tie-dye

You know I loves me some fun tie-dye… but this is actually some colored splatters of glaze on the countertop before my Summer Camp kids cleaned it up!!!

Categories: glaze, kiln firing, process, production

After a couple hours of “pottery Tetris” last night… I finally had the soda kiln stacked & loaded with a LOT of pottery. Luckily, I had “over-glazed” in my studio so I had a few extras pieces to choose from that didn’t quite make it into this kiln… so they just will have to wait until my next soda firing. Oh well… I think there will be “plenty of pots” for my next couple art fairs!

Categories: glaze, process, production, studio

After a long day of glazing & wadding yesterday, I finally had my studio cart filled and ready to roll downstairs to the kiln room. As the freight elevator is not the smoothest of rides, I always use some masking tape “safety belts” to keep any stray pots form jumping off the cart during their travels!

Categories: glaze, mugs, process, production

Stamps inlaid with glazes & wiped clean… now to add a liner glaze of tenmoku to match!

Categories: glaze, mugs, process, production, stamped

Starting off today with a batch of mugs that need to be glazed & wadded. I’ve applied a layer of tenmoku glaze into all of the stamped impressions to help accentuate the textures & patterns. Now to wipe it off… leaving the glaze inlaid in the stamps!

Categories: glaze, process, production

You know it’s my least favorite part of the pottery process. But it’s got to be be done. So I’ve been working the past couple days trying to make some headway through my bisque… as I need to fill a soda kiln this weekend! At least this accidental “smiling sponge” made me happy this morning to kick-off another day of glazing!!!

Categories: classes, glaze, surface decoration

So last week during my SURFACE DECORATION class, my students got their glaze test pieces back from the kiln! The week before we focused on some “different” glazing techniques… and I encouraged them to try something new that they’ve never done before. They’re always hesitant to try new things on their own pieces… so I actually gave them some bisqued cylinders that I made for them ahead of time to play on! Overall, I think they all liked the results… learning some new tricks along the way. I kind of wish we had used a bit more glaze on a few of them that were looking for some good glaze drips running down the sides… not enough glaze, not much of a drip!