Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: bowls, glaze, kiln firing, process, production

Glazing more bowls & pots for a quick cone six kiln this weekend…
just in time to replenish the shelves for next weekend’s
“MUD & METAL” Holiday Home Show!

If all goes well, these bowls will be a beautiful green!

Categories: bowls, glaze, process, production

Early morning waxing bottoms! Trying to crank out some new work for next weekend’s Holiday Home Show “MUD & METAL.” A second chance to check someone off your holiday gift list… pottery by me or beautiful silver jewelry by Amy Taylor on December 15th & 16th!

Categories: glaze, mugs

Sliding into December with our first MUGSHOT MONDAY of the month!!!
With a green cone six glazed mug!

Categories: glaze, process, production

So my glaze cart is filling up nicely. Glazed & wadded… filling half of my studio cart. Now I’ll turn the cart around and fill the other side. A full cart pretty much equals a full soda kiln… give or take a few pots here & there!


Categories: glaze, process, production, stamped, vases

Still glazing. Still working “in the dark.” Still waiting for my ceiling light to be replaced… and I kinda think I might be getting used to all of this dramatic mood lighting?! Hopefully the glaze is going on the pots where I “think” it’s going???

Categories: glaze, mugs, process, production

Might be a smidge harder to glaze “in the dark”…
but the dramatic task lighting I’ve set up sure does make for some nice contrasts
when the mugs start lining up!

Categories: glaze, process, production

Painting & filling the stamped impressions with a dark tenmoku glaze, and then wiping off the high surfaces to reveal a great contrast for the stamped design. I kinda feel like The Karate Kid… glaze on, glaze off… glaze on, glaze off.

Categories: glaze, process, production, studio

Still no working ceiling light fixture in my studio…
so glazing “in the dark” tonight ought to be interesting, huh?!!!

Categories: classes, creativity, glaze

This week in my pottery class, I showed them some more interesting glaze techniques, tricks & possibilities… including everyone’s favorite novelty… BUBBLE GLAZING!!! Just a little dishwashing soap in your glaze and a plastic straw to get it going! And when the bubbles pop, you’ve got a pretty sweet glaze application!

And when the bubbles pop, you’ve got a pretty sweet glaze application!

Categories: glaze, terra cotta, The Ghouls Collection

So now the newest GHOULS are all underglazed and getting a sprayed-on top-coat of a low-fire clear glaze. Hoping that all of the painted colors will be brighter, saturated & whimsically colorful after firing!