Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: flowers, garden

This morning there was a new bloom in my front yard garden.
And I think it might be my new favorite. A beautiful, purple bearded iris.
Unfortunately, there is only one stalk of blooms… hoping for more next year!!!

Categories: flowers, garden

A full batch of beautiful purple iris are blooming in my front yard.
They’ve been growing for a few years, slowly spreading into a nice mass of spiky leaves.
This is the first year they’ve decided to bloom so profusely… and a lot more buds in the making!



Categories: flowers, garden, pottery, soda-fired

Here’s another batch of flower pots that just came out of the soda kiln.
These will be making their first trip to Schaumburg this weekend for the Prairie Arts Festival. Perfect timing for those gardeners out there who are looking for a nicer alternative to the basic orange terra cotta pot!!!

Categories: flowers, garden, nature

When I got to Minneapolis, I found these wonderful seed pods still hanging on last year’s bittersweet in Emily’s backyard.

Categories: garden, totem pole

It may be freezing here in Chicago, but it’s never to soon
to start dreaming about Spring, gardens and totem poles!!!

Categories: garden, holiday
Categories: garden

This pencil cactus sits outside on my kitchen window ledge all summer long. When I brought it inside today to avoid the freezing temps, I was surprised at how red the tips of the cactus had become. Beautiful accents to this normally green cactus. I hope that’s not a bad sign that I left it outside too long?…

Categories: garden, seasons

I know I was “inside” all day yesterday…
but it seems like the ivy in my backyard may have changed colors overnight?! I’m sure it was green the last time I saw it. Still a nice contrast to my backyard totem pole.

I’m not ready for Fall. Bring back Summer!!!


Categories: art fair, flowers, garden, masks, tiles

It was a beautiful setting in Amy Taylor’s backyard for the first “Art In The Garden”. Five artists sharing their art… only to be upstaged by Mother Nature herself with some of her beautiful handwork. Whether is was her beautiful flowers, the striking clouds or the shadows they provided… it was a wonderful weekend in the garden!!!

Categories: art fair, artists, flowers, garden, My Talented Friends

Another beautiful day in the Garden. The day started out a little warmer than Saturday, with a little less breeze. Expectations were that it might be a little hot & sticky, but luckily it turned out to be another incredible day. And again today, guests were welcomed into Amy Taylor’s backyard for the inaugural “Art In The Garden : A Grassroots Art Fair.”

And really, what art fair doesn’t “need” a groovy neon sign??? Thank you Cory…

And what Garden Party wouldn’t benefit from a refreshing batch of lemon water?!

The “Art In The Garden” Gang were all ready to tackle the day on Sunday… and were greeted with wonderful ribbons awards that Amy had created for us.

My ribbon was the “Sunshine Award”… enough said… And the rest of them were each uniquely appropriate for each artist. A very thoughtful & garden themed “thank you” for each of us from our host & incredible metalsmith Amy Taylor!!!

Cory McCrory – “Garden Hoe Award”

Carole Axium“Blossom Award”

John Caruso“Beefsteak Tomato Award”

Even Amy’s husband Tom received an award… “Weed Wacker Award”

It was fun to see even more people stopping by the Garden throughout the day on Sunday.  Day Two was a little bit slower, but Sundays typically are at every art fair. It gave each of us a little more time to hang out & chat with the customers… and do a little shopping & trading with our fellow artists.

It was also a lot of fun to see more of the collaboration pieces I did with Cory go off to good homes. Each of them so excited to have a whimsical piece of art for their homes!

Even our host Amy now has a Cory/Gary collaboration piece for her home… which has a striking resemblance to “Poison Ivy.” Coincidence?…

Plus, Cory and I each had to have one as a souvenir of our collaboration project. Cory and her husband chose “Queen Anne’s Lace”-y Panties… and I knew all along that I wanted “Foxglove” with the soda-fired tiles.

Day Two also gave us a chance to re-stock the shelves for the new customers.

Keeping with the garden theme, I had to bring a collection of ceramic flower pots. And some beautiful orange “props” to help demonstrate how pretty the flower pots would be with flowers in them!

Also, the weathered wooden fence in the backyard was the perfect place to show off some of my ceramic masks and tiled “ClayQuilts. Sadly, the masks don’t get to travel to art fairs very often as they are tough to hang on flappy tent sides. This fence worked out perfect… and these two masks are now SOLD and “playing” in someone else’s backyards!!!

The other artists were set-up and ready to go as well. Metalsmiths Amy Taylor & Carole Axium, as well as ceramic artist Cory McCrory and photographer John Caruso.

Cory McCrory had her share of gorgeous too… you now I’m a fan and already have quite the collection at home! I love her colors, textures & whimsy!!!

Including two “fresh out of the kiln” platters…

All in all, another wonderful weekend thanks to all of our friends, family and wonderful customers who stopped by to make the first “Art In The Garden” a hug success! So much fun for everyone… and a great art fair experience for each of the artists thanks to Amy & Tom’s wonderful hospitality! We’re hoping for a SECOND “Art In The Garden” next year… mark your calendars…