Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: garden, travel

The Frankfurt City Ring is a beautiful ribbon of parks & greenways that surround the old city. Along the way you find sculptures, parks, gardens and wonderful old architecture. At one point we stumbled upon the Chinese Garden… which was unfortunately closed for the season, but that didn’t stop me from getting a few good pictures!


Categories: flowers, garden

And there’s a lot of pretty things happening in the garden these days!


Categories: flowers, garden, pottery

A beautiful display of wood-fired bottles by Jason Hess backed by fresh greens of the trumpet flowers growing up the walls outside the Lillstreet Gallery in the summer sun.


Categories: flowers, garden

Overnight showers make for happy morning flowers & hostas.
Beautiful iris, wild columbine & variegated hosta leaves still with the droplets hanging on.



Categories: flowers, garden, soda-fired, stamped, vases

Mini flowers need mini vases.
And mini vases need mini stamps, right?!
Love the smell of lily-of-the-valley too!!!

Categories: flowers, garden

One of my favorite iris flowers currently blooming in my garden. A classic color combination with that intoxicating fragrance that sparks childhood memories every time. Am I the only one who loves the scent of irises???

Categories: garden, pottery

While in Peoria, I gave my friends a few boxes of “seconds” and cracked, chipped, kiln-splotched or glaze-ruined pieces of pottery for them to break-up and use in their garden. They have plans to make a nice alternative to pea gravel & mulch in a few places!

Categories: flowers, friends, garden, totem pole

This past weekend was a great chance to get away for a few days…
not too far, but far enough.

So much fun to visit my “first art fair friends” and their amazing garden
in Peoria ablaze with Spring colors!

Oh, and look… a ceramic totem pole in their terraced backyard garden!
Wonder how THAT got there???



Categories: flowers, garden, weather

This morning we awoke to another layer of snow & crusty ice. Perfect April weather…
if you’re a polar bear?!!! Luckily our Spring flowers are trying to be troopers
and enduring the prolonged cold right along with us!



Categories: flowers, garden

While “everyone” is at NCECA… some of us had to stay home to make the pots!!! Just had to take a quick afternoon break at the Chicago Flower & Garden Show to “ease the pain.” Have fun Pittsburgh Pottery Peeps!!!