Gotta love a good collection. I always love to see what people collect and how they display them. Like this amazing collection of vintage pulleys hanging on the garden trellis railing in Gerry & Rosene’s back yard. And you know… rusty metal & weathered wood. What’s not to like?!!!
So many colors. So many textures. So many patterns! Loving all of these different coleus plants that my Peoria friend Rosene has been propagating in her basement. She’s already working on next’s year’s crop… some of which might just make it up to live on my front porch next summer?!!!
Personally, I’ve always been a gourds over pumpkins kind of guy! So much cooler… textures, patterns, colors… go figure!
When the going gets tough, the tough get GROWing!
Adorable little trooper of a weed hanging in there!!! You grow girl!!
Looks like Rick’s African violet garden is growing nicely… handmade flower pots with some young violets adapting to their new homes. Soon enough they’ll be filling out, flowering and ready to propagate some more cuttings! Thanks for sharing your pics!!!
Two of my favorites irises are currently blooming in the front yard!
Love the colors, patterns & unique scents of these bearded irises.
For the final pottery class of every session, I challenge my students to make a certain item during the class, finish and bring it in for our “trading-stealing-exchanging” game. This time we went with flowerpots with a plant in it… and they were all great… okay, so there were two that didn’t quite make it through the final glaze kiln… but a GREAT GAME and a GREAT SHOWING from my class. A wonderful ending to another session of wheelthrowing classes!
Here’s Jen’s flower pot… and the one I cam home with after the game! LOVE IT!!!
Okay, so two of them didn’t quite make the deadline…
and didn’t make it through glaze kiln in time for our exchange game.
So now I guess it’s a DIY flowerpot… after the fact.
My partial TA Claire’s flower pot…
My regular TA Susan’s flower pot…
And here’s MY contribution to the game…
wheelthrown, stamped & glazed now with a Sago Palm taking residence.
Just because it’s a big snowy mess outside… doesn’t mean that it isn’t still beautiful. It’s just pretty with an oddly slush-covered layer of mid-Spring snow on top of the pretty!!! No worries… it’ll melt… and maybe Spring will eventually get here for real?! Maybe…
It’s the First Day of Spring… still rainy & cold,
but with a little glimmer of hope in my front yard.
Always fun to see that my stamped & soda-fired flower pots are making happy plants everywhere… even in the snow-covered suburbs! Thanks Nancy for sharing your happy plant!!!