Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: flowers, garden, soda-fired, stamped, vases

Enjoying late afternoon flowers on the back porch. Vibrant & fragrant bee balm flowers & furry smoke bush clippings in a soda-fired ikebana vase… and a mini hosta in a handmade flower pot!

Categories: color, garden, textures

Some colorful coleus leaves on my front porch…
Mother Nature’s striking entry for another TEXTURE TUESDAY!

Categories: flowers, garden

Not quite as fragrant, but loving the wonderful colors, patterns & structure to this bi-color iris that is still blooming in my front yard garden! Gotta love iris season!

Categories: flowers, garden

Beautiful purple iris blooming in my front yard… just love the fragrant smell as it is always creates such a wonderful childhood flashback memory!

Categories: friends, garden

And during these crazy times of quarantining & self-isolating… my friends in Bartonville have this wonderful wrought iron “welcome” sign takes on an all-important message! When this all calms down a bit, the sign can be rotated as the other side has the more traditional “Welcome”… but that might still be a while from now!

Categories: flowers, friends, garden

Sure, they may have a big fallen tree in the middle of their garden right now… but my friends Gerry & Rosene still have an AMAZING GARDEN!!! Lots of beautiful plants & rusty art pieces all around. It’s so much fun to visit at different times of the year to see what’s blooming each time!

Categories: flowers, garden

Good Morning Jack!!! So fun to see this jack-in-the-pulpit pop up in my garden this time of the year! Too bad his visit is always short-lived!

Categories: flowers, garden, porcelain, soda-fired, stamped, vases

A little sweet cup of little spring pretties!
Fragrant Lily-Of-The-Valley blooms from my garden
in a small porcelain stamped & soda-fired cup!

Categories: garden, nature, soda-fired, stamped, textures

Celebrating another TEXTURE TUESDAY with a few spring ferns…
one natural, and one stamped & soda-fired!!!

Categories: flowers, garden

Spring has sprung outside… as well as inside my condo! I started a few seeds from a purple hyacinth bean vine a little over a week ago and they are popping up all over! They’re doing great as I keep rotating the container as they seem to grow towards the light of the window so fast! I’m hoping to transplant them outside next weekend on my back porch so they can grow up my “curtain” of rusty wheels!