Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: flowers, garden, nature

Just a few homes down the street from my condo there is this wonderful collection of lilies blooming in the front yard. Such an AMAZING collection of lilies all blooming at the same time… so many colors, so many textures and the aroma is perfectly overwhelming! Whoever is growing these… thank you from the entire neighborhood!!!

Categories: flowers, garden, nature

Looks like my back porch purple hyacinth bean vine is filling in nicely… weaving through my curtain of rusty gears. We should be seeing flowers in the next couple weeks!!!

Categories: flowers, garden

After the quick thunderstorm that just blew through, these red lilies look even better with some raindrops lingering on the petals.

Categories: flowers, garden, studio

Studio plants still looking good. I gave my jade plant a bit of a trim a few months back… rooted the cuttings… and have now added them back into the same flower pot to make it fuller. So far so good… and the original cut stems are branching out well too!

Categories: flowers, garden

My purple shamrocks are blooming nicely on the back porch. Pretty little pink flowers bouncing in the breeze on thin stems. Such a neat color to brighten the porch!

Categories: color, flowers, garden

Still enamored by these vibrant red lilies just down the street. Every morning when I pass them on my bike I think to myself… “I need to plant some of those beauties for next year.” And then I forget… until the next morning!

Categories: flowers, garden, nature

Another beautiful floral display on the street corner… but for some reason these hollyhocks always remind me of my Grandma Kitty. I’m not sure that she even had them in her garden?… it’s just that I kinda think they’re somehow “vintage” flowers?! Kinda like “everyone’s” Grandma should have had them!!!

Categories: food, garden, stamped

A handmade pie plate never looked quite so healthy… of course I’d prefer PIE!!! Who wouldn’t?! But these fresh veggies look pretty darn tasty too… of course I accredit that to the pottery, not that healthy stuff!

Categories: flowers, garden, rusty

The vines growing on my back porch are coming along nicely. They’re purple hyacinth bean vines that are climbing up my hanging “curtain” of rusty gears. Soon they should start shooting out some purple flowers… to be followed by glossy purple seed pods! Can’t wait…

Categories: flowers, garden

These beautiful Black-Eyed Susan flowers have always been one of my favorites. I love these traditional ones that show up everywhere this time of year… in gardens, along streets & growing wild all over the place! Everywhere EXCEPT in my garden???

I’ve tried a couple different varieties a couple different times. And for some reason… this darn plant still evades me!!! The one that seemingly grows everywhere all by itself… except for me… AARRRGHHH!!!