Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: friends, mugs, soda-fired, stamped, teapot

Looks like Julie is kicking off a little Teapot Tuesday with a stamped & soda-fired teapot… and a couple “vintage” mugs from a few years back!!! A sweet little Tea For Two!!!

Categories: friends, mugs, soda-fired, stamped

Looks like Pammy is kicking it back on the sofa, warming up with her new stamped mug she picked up this weekend in Peoria! A sweet “juicy” blue soda-fired mug for another Mugshot Monday!

Categories: food, friends

One of the best parts of having friends stop by your weekend pop-up pottery sale… is when they bring you sweet treats from their candy shop!!! The best homemade chocolate fudge from Maurie’s Sugar Shoppe in Eureka, Illinois… right across from the Courthouse! Thanks Keith & Julie… you guys are too “sweet.”

Categories: flowers, friends, holiday

Looks like Pam’s mom is having a great Mother’s Day… complete with her new ikebana flower vase that Pam picked up this weekend at the PLANT & POTTERY SALE! It was great to see my pal Pammy down in Peoria… but c’mon, how cute is her Mom???

Categories: friends, garden, pottery

Huge thanks to everyone who stopped-by this weekend’s PLANT & POTTERY SALE down in Peoria! My pals Rosene & Gerry have an amazing garden & grew hundreds of coleus plants for the sale… and I just popped-in with a collection of pottery to add to the festivities! It was so much fun seeing everyone come out for our little sale… excited about plants & pottery! Thanks again for playing with us!

Categories: flowers, friends, garden, pottery

Spring is here & things are popping up all over! If any of my Central Illinois fans are around this weekend, I’ll be “popping-up” in Peoria this Friday & Saturday. Beautiful homegrown plants, colorful coleus & more for your yard, containers & windowboxes! Plus an assortment of my pottery… mugs, vases, flower pots & more! You’ll also get to see one of my totem poles in the garden… and meet me very first art fair friends from “several” years ago!

Friday, May 7th & Saturday, May 8th – 9:00am-4:00pm
2314 Skyway Road, Bartonville, IL 61607

Categories: flowers, friends

Looks like my African Violet isn’t the only one that’s enjoying its “new digs” in a handmade ceramic flower pot!!! My friend Keith recently transplanted this violet and now it’s THRIVING!!! Thanks for sharing this stunner Keith!

Categories: artists, creativity, friends

And of course, a new twist-tie necklace needs a lovely supermodel to properly show it off! Huge thanks to my pal Judy for volunteering to help this afternoon at Lillstreet… she was the first of the three I asked to volunteer. See Catherine & Patti what fun you missed out on… should’ve volunteered sooner… HA!!!

April 2021 Handmade Chain Challenge… DONE!!!
#2021chainchallenge – #handmadechain – #chainlinks2021

Categories: bike, friends

It was a bit on the chilly side yesterday, but the sun was out and it felt great to get some longer mileage on the bike! I got together with a couple friends and pedaled west… out to the Fox River around Elgin. My day started with some elk in Elk Grove Village, and we turned around near the Grand Victoria Riverboat Casino! Beautiful blue skies, spring flowers & some brisk breezes… with good times & good laughs with friends out on the road!!!

Somewhere along our bike route yesterday, we stopped off for more water & Gatorade… and I found this!!! Who knew this was even a thing? And a YUMMY thing at that!!! Of course with a full day on the bike… pretty much everything is yummy!

Categories: food, friends, mugs

Looks like my pal Allison had a much better breakfast this morning
than I did!!! She had me with blueberries & whipped cream!!!