Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: flowers

Looks like it’s Catalpa Tree blooming time! Maybe a little bit past their prime?… or just “beat-up” a little from the storms? Either way, it’s always fun to see these huge trees flowering… and then in a few days when the flowers fall off the trees and everything gets scattered with these orchid-like flowers.

But then those flowers start to decay… so enjoy the pretty now!!!

Categories: classes, flower pots, flowers

Last night in my Intermediate Wheelthrowing class, we celebrated our last class of session with a fun trading game. The category was a handmade orchid pot with a live orchid in it. Beautiful pots & beautiful flowers… thanks to those of you who participated… Christine, Darcy, Claire & Tessa!

My entry in the game was this last one… purple glazed with a purple orchid. It worked out well for me… as it was also a class demo on “carving” a few weeks earlier for my Surface Decoration class!

Categories: flowers, vases, weather

Day One of “Hinsdale” done… and fairly drippy! We had pretty steady rain all day… and just hoping to have a better & drier day tomorrow! If you stop by, everything should be freshly washed!!! Nice & clean for Day Two of the Hinsdale Fine Arts Show tomorrow from 10am-4pm.

Categories: flowers, soda-fired, stamped, vases

Just enjoying a little FLORAL FRIDAY with a fun arrangement in a stamped & soda-fired oval vase. I do get a lot of questions at art fairs as to what you can use an “oval” vase for?! My answer is “pretty much anything!” But I do enjoy how an oval vase makes the flowers spread out a bit more from side-to-side so you can see them better… instead of all squished together as some taller round vases do!

Categories: flowers, soda-fired, stamped, vases

A single yellow rose sitting beautifully on a stamped & soda-fired ikebana vase.

Categories: flowers, garden

I’ve been nurturing this little peony bush for a couple years starting with a little sapling in my garden. So excited that this year it FINALLY bloomed!!! Okay, so it’s only two blooms… but I’ll take it. And hope for more next year!!!

Categories: art fair, flowers, soda-fired, stamped, vases

While the Schaumburg Prairie Arts Festival was washed out today, at least my booth flowers still look good! And as things would have it, about an hour after I got home, the rain stopped & the sun came out with blue skies & fluffy white clouds!!!

Categories: family, flowers

Early morning allium flowers in my front yard. Fun balls of small flower blossoms swaying on a tall stem. I kind of “assumed” they only came in purple when my cousin Kim & I planted a ton of bulbs last Fall. So it was great surprise to see these come up this Spring. Thanks again Kim!!!

Categories: flowers, garden

It’s that time for the year… and I’ve got quite a few irises blooming in my front yard. Such a great childhood throwback… especially the traditional iris scent. I just wish the blooms lasted longer. At least we get the cool “sword-like” leaves all summer long!

Categories: art fair, flowers

Getting ready for day two of our PLANTS & POTTERY SALE. If you’re in Central Illinois, swing by to see their incredible terraced gardens, hundreds of flowers, one of my totem poles… and quite possibly leave with some plants & pottery of your own! Today from 9:00am-4:00pm in Bartonville… just southwest of Peoria!