Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: family, food, Taylor

Yesterday afternoon was a party to celebrate my niece Taylor before she heads-off to the University of Missouri for a degree in Special Education!!! It’s hard to believe that she’s all grown-up & ready for college… in my head she’s still about six or seven?! Many of you have watched her grow-up at some of my art fairs. But in case you missed that… scroll through the photos to see her over the years. The cutest!!!

Her Dad printed all of these photos as large posters that lined the driveway as people entered the party! One for each year… so adorable!!!

Categories: family, flowers

Looks like my Cousin Kim has some serious issues
with her backyard squirrel population… especially now!!!

Squirrels – 1 / Pottery – 0

Categories: family, food

Looks like my cousin Kim is enjoying her bountiful harvest of homegrown strawberries this morning! They look scrumptious on those pancakes… and those pottery side pieces look pretty yummy too!

Categories: family, flowers, garden

While I haven’t started my new “zinnia seed project” yet… my cousin Kim reminded me that it was also time to start my dahlia tubers indoors. Since I didn’t do a good job of digging out & saving the ones from last summer… I had to buy some new ones. So here are the three varieties I’m trying this time around. Can’t wait for them to start growing… can’t wait for warmer days… can’t wait for Summer Blooms!!!

Categories: family, inspiration


So my niece Taylor is turning eighteen today!!!
And I thought it might be fun to do a little flashback to when she was a youngster in grade school doing a class project about a family member. Turns out she picked ME!!! So cute… funny the things that “stuck” in her head back then? Hard to believe she’s turning 18 already… where has the time gone?!

Categories: family, friends, mugs

Celebrating another Mugshot Monday… with a purple mug & these sweet words from my long-time friend Kelly…

“This is how you and I hold hands… sometimes over a warm cup of hot tea, this morning coffee.” so sweet Kelly!!!

Categories: family, food

Looks like Kim & Don have cooked-up a little “hot dish” tuna casserole for a chilly Saturday evening’s meal. Although from what I’ve heard… it’s mostly for Don, as Kim is not a big fan of “hot tuna fish.” And yes, I’m kinda right there with ya’ Kim!!!

But the casserole dish looks great!!!

Categories: bowls, family, food

Who knew that I could feed my Thin Mint “addiction” even when the Girl Scouts aren’t in cookie selling mode?! NOT ME!!!

At least until I received this great “care package” Christmas gift from my cousins in Minnesota! They knew it would be a hit… as their daughter Caroline used to be my “Thin Mint Hook-up” back when she was still a Girl Scout!

Categories: family, friends, holiday

I hope you’ve all had a wonderful day with your family & friends… sharing time together & making new memories. The best gift ever!

Categories: family, holiday

Well, all of the ornaments have made it onto the tree… twenty-four days of adding ornaments to my Christmas Advent Calendar.

A beautiful heirloom created by my Grandma Kitty… stitched together one sequin at a time! Always full of fond family memories as Christmas draws closer through the month of December! And it’s finally here…