Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: color, glaze, stamped, textures

Concentric cone six circles. Some smooth, some stamped. All a beautiful shade of green!

Categories: color, seasons, weather

After last night’s first frost & dusting of snow, our trees were quick to loose their leaves. Creating beautiful carpets of color under every tree. Some beautiful mixed medleys, while others created a stunning ombre blended sidewalk.

Categories: color, production, terra cotta

Having some fun with underglazes adding details to the newest Ghoul in the collection.
Layer by layer, detail by detail, wart by wart.

Categories: color, flowers

A beautiful gradation of color to set the tone for the Fall weather we’ve been having lately. I’m not ready yet… I’m still grasping onto Summer for as long as possible!

Categories: art fair, artists, collaborations, color, production

With my collaboration shakers coming together nicely, it was time to finish them off with some colorful flashing slips and underglazes. Since Cory McCrory’s work is so bright & whimsical, I kinda felt I had to brighten my color palette. Up my game a bit. Fingers crossed that some of these bright underglazes work well in the soda firing!!! We’ll find out tomorrow night when I unload the kiln… and then Saturday morning when they are “revealed” at ART IN THE GARDEN.

Categories: color, summer camp

Another colorful day of Summer Camp fun.
Painting sculptures with acrylic paint…
although I’m not totally sure what color they were trying for here?!

Categories: color, flowers

For the longest time, I presumed this wildflower you see along roadsides everywhere was called Periwinkle. Like the color, right? Makes sense. I just found out a couple weeks ago that it’s actually Chicory. Who knew? Years of biking past these flowers and I was totally wrong!!!

Categories: artists, color, patterns

Contemporary quilts in the Lillstreet Gallery Annex.
Abstract pattern by Sarah Nishiura… and gridded & printed by Jordana Robinson.

Categories: artists, Chicago, color, creativity

Groovy new mural on the West Side. Great style & colors…
a nice splash of whimsy on Hoyne Street. Thanks #brownwalls !

“El Corazon de la Bestia” / Heart of the Beast
Environments have defined us as humans and individuals. The experiences in these environments shape us internally. Because of this, we are busy building masks for society and we don’t always show or share who we really are at our core. We judge people by these masks, and not for who and what makes up the Beast inside them. Good or Bad we all have a Beast within us. Our Heart shows who it is.
– mural artist Roco Drilo







Categories: color, food, friends

A great night of food & fun at Macello’s with my friend Pam.
A perfect start to an evening of theatrical spectacle… with live horses!!!
Bright colored murals on the walls. Striking black & white prints.
And WONDERFUL wood-fired pizza with burrata… possibly my new favorite cheese?!!!


