Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: color, nature

After pedaling all day & enjoying my free ice cream… I drove out for family night in the suburbs! I couldn’t help but stop & swerve to the curb when I saw this PERFECT MOMENT!!! The colors, the trees, the reflection… MOTHER NATURE IS AMAZING!!!

Categories: bike, color, nature

Monochromatic morning… my red bike by a beautiful big red tree! This tree… these colors!!! Mother Nature is AMAZING!

Categories: bowls, color, food

Looks like Kristy was making something yummy for a little Labor Day get-together… or maybe just a fun lunch?! Loving the color contrast with the cobalt blue bowl!

Categories: art fair, artists, bowls, color, handbuilding, mugs, My Talented Friends

Looks like Cory has one last batch of colorful fun to wash with underglazes, glaze & fire quickly for this weekend at ART IN THE GARDEN. I’ve been enamored with Cory McCrory, her work, her textures & her whimsy ever since we met at the Hinsdale Fine Arts Fair several years ago… and we’ve been fast friends ever since! So much fun to have talented friends!!!

Categories: art fair, artists, bowls, collaborations, color, handbuilding

What a difference a little underglaze can make?!!!
A whimsical “paint-job” by my “cohort in collaborations” Cory McCrory on her bowls for this weekend at ART IN THE GARDEN. We’ve been working on this little project for awhile now… and now we’re both in our final kiln firings!!! Getting ready to put our collaboration pieces together in Glenview for every one to see!

For more info –

Categories: color, garden, nature, textures

Mother Nature’s entry for another TEXTURE TUESDAY!

Categories: color, flowers, nature

Such a beautiful color to start your day!!! That purple is practically GLOWING from the center out… morning “glory” indeed!!!

Categories: color, soda-fired, stamped, textures

Celebrating a little TEXTURE TUESDAY with an orange two-fer!
Sticking with my favorite color… one soda-fired & one draped in my living room windows!

Categories: color, flowers, garden

Still enamored by these vibrant red lilies just down the street. Every morning when I pass them on my bike I think to myself… “I need to plant some of those beauties for next year.” And then I forget… until the next morning!

Categories: Chicago, color

It was a beautiful day to get outside and play hooky on my bike. Strange how different this all looks during daylight hours?! Huh.