Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: classes, color

So then THIS happened last night in class!!!

And no… Dexter is NOT In my class!!!

It was just Kelly trying to dye her clay red with some “strawberry red” inclusion stain. She started with gloves but found it easier to wedge it in with bare hands. She’s still planning on adding more pigment to make it even more RED!!! Kinda wondering how long her fingertips will stay that “bloody” red color???

Categories: color, inspiration

Plus another handful of beach glass found along the lake this morning. It started as my “quarantine collection” when the pandemic first started and we were all “searching” for new things to do. And if this thing carries on much longer… my collection will soon be overflowing!!!

Categories: color

So here they are… a couple of my new ice-dyed shirts. Some of the colors have blended more, the white areas “stained” a bit. But they’re still pretty groovy… and ready for a new session of pottery classes at Lillstreet starting on Monday.

Categories: color, process

So the ice has melted, and the shirts have sat in place for awhile to let the dye seep in. Now it’s time to start opening them up to rinse out the “extra” dye. Always fun when the Big Reveal happens… after the rubber bands are snipped… as you pull open the folds & twists to see the patterns & colors!

Unfortunately, these still need to be rinsed out… and then washed.
This is where I have the most trouble with tie-dying. The colors are so clear & vibrant now. But it always seems when I rinse them out, that the colors seem to blend even more… and too frequently, the white areas all get “stained” a different color… and don’t stay white?!!!! I think I need to do a little research on this!

Categories: color, process

So I’ve added the powdered dye… some right on top of the shirts, others on top of the ice. Some will drip right through the white plastic grate, while others will sit in the “muck” puddle for a longer time. The longer in the muck the better the saturation… I believe?

It’s kinda like glazing pottery… you add the color and hope for the best. It’s out of my control at this point. But like I tell my students… “Just because it’s not what you expected, does NOT mean that it’s bad.”

Categories: color

A new session of pottery classes start next week… so maybe I “need” a new wardrobe?! Starting up another batch of tie-dyed shirts for the studio! Folded, twisted & tied in different styles, then sprinkled with powdered dye for some ice-dyeing overnight!!!

These will all get covered with cubed ice… which then melts and dissolves the dye into the shirts. It’s all very random… so maybe not the best process for someone who might have some “control issues”… asking for a friend

Categories: color, flowers, friends, garden, nature, textures

Dull dreary & cold Winter days are so much easier to cope with when you go down into my friend Rosene’s basement to find her coleus garden growing in full force! What better way to feed her own gardening addiction than to take cuttings at the end of Summer… and then root them & nurse them through the Winter! So many wonderful colors & textures on these gorgeous coleus plants! Perfect for a natural TEXTURE TUESDAY!!!

Too bad this little slice o Heaven is way down by Peoria!!!

Categories: color, holiday, inspiration

Something caught my eye…
looks like a “spark” of Christmas Cheer glistening in the mid-day sun!
A festive flare of Christmas colors to brighten the day!

Categories: architecture, color

I’ve pedaled past this house countless times…
loving the color, the charm & the craftsmanship. Seems even more appropriate as we get closer to Christmas. Just hoping & waiting for some pops of bright RED to contrast against the chartreuse green accents!!!

Categories: color, holiday, movie, movies, mugs, stamped

So I tried a new “LIME” glaze in this kiln… and it kinda strikes a childhood holiday memory this time of year?!!!

You’re a Mean One Mr. Grinch… I can’t decideyea or nay???