Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: Chicago, rusty
Categories: architecture, Chicago, theater

Masked & triple-vaxxed… it felt so great to be back to live theater last night! It has been FAR too long. Sure, some last minute free tickets helped too! We went to see the new “revival” of OKLAHOMA! An updated twist on the original Rodger’s & Hammerstein musical.

While there were a lot of talented performers onstage, I think there were also a “few” bad choices along the way. I understand trying to update it a bit… but I was “confused” by the lack of scene changes, the IKEA furniture, the total black-out dialogues, the video close-up projections & the dream dance scene… which honestly, is a little much in the movie too?!

But again, the talent was there… and it felt so great to back in a beautifully classic theater again! One step closer to a small bit of “normal” again.

Categories: Chicago, sunrise

Another dark & dreary… oh wait, there it is!!!

The morning started out with huge cloud-cover… questioning if we would ever see the sun?! And then suddenly, the sun popped through… beautiful… even if just for a few minutes!

Categories: Chicago, friends

One of the perks of working at Navy Pier so often is getting to play once & awhile… like a couple loops around the huge Centennial Ferris Wheel. Great views of the Pier… and the City from high above!

Spending some time with a few of my Holiday Elves!

Categories: Chicago, garden

Might have been cold & blustery outside today… but warm & tropical inside. Just enjoying a little more time inside The Crystal Gardens at Chicago’s landmark Navy Pier.

Categories: bike, Chicago, sunrise

With a ton of dark clouds to start the day… there was a glimmer of hope & a little sunrise confidence that something good would come of it. Chilly & breezy to start, but eventually… a beautiful sunrise!!!

Categories: bike, Chicago, sunrise

There was a small chance for a nice sunrise, but the slight break in the clouds just wasn’t in the right place. Made the skyline look nice… but that’s about it.

Categories: bike, Chicago, sunrise

Another chilly morning with a layer of low-flying clouds on the horizon. A slow start to a beautiful morning.

Categories: bike, Chicago

Thankful for yesterday’s sunrise… but today’s?… not so much. I was hoping that these clouds might turn into something cool as the sun came up… but the sun NEVER came up! Instead, it was just gray, cloudy & SO WINDY!!! But I kept thinking…. with every mile I pedal, I can eat more PUMPKIN PIE!!!

Categories: bike, Chicago

Surprisingly warm this morning… so I had to ride! Sure, the roads were wet from overnight rain, and there was really no chance for an actual sunrise… but it still felt great getting back out on my bike for “sunrise” bike ride… no matter how gray & cloudy!