Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: bike, Chicago, sculpture, sunrise

It was also perfect timing to find the Gold Star Families Memorial sculpture all lit up with sunrise reflections. Just south of the Museum Campus, between the harbor and Soldier Field… a fun moment as you pedal up the hill to be greeted by this sunrise surprise!

Categories: bike, Chicago, sunrise

You know it’s gonna be a hot one when you wake up early and it’s already in the 80’s! But because I’m a little crazy, I still put on my bike gear and headed out into the humidity… already SWEATING!!! But I’m glad I did. As I went a bit further than usual and got some great shots downtown at Monroe Harbor as a “huge” sun was coming up through the boats.

And then I figured… I’m already a big sweaty mess, so why not go all the way down to end of the bike trail at the South Shore Cultural Center.

So I did.

Categories: Chicago, color

It was a beautiful day to get outside and play hooky on my bike. Strange how different this all looks during daylight hours?! Huh.

Categories: bike, Chicago, sunrise

Lots of clouds without much of a sunrise to speak of. Sure, it was beautiful… with lots of gently rolling waves along the way. Dark, dramatic & moody… still not a bad way to start the day!

Categories: bike, Chicago, sunrise

Hot… humid… and not much of a sunrise. It wasn’t until I was turning around to head home that I saw the dark clouds moving in with lightning & thunder up north. And foggy dark clouds moving over the City. Made for a dramatic morning along the lakefront… but then it was time to pedal home FAST to avoid getting wet. And I made it… with about three minutes to spare before the deluge came down!!! Whew!!!

Categories: bike, Chicago, sunrise

We started without clouds in the sky…
but instead we had the Moon & Venus floating quietly over the horizon.

As I pedaled south to Navy Pier, one large cloud moved in as I tried to navigate the closed sections of the lakefront bike trail. Yes, huge sections from Fullerton to Navy Pier are totally closed due to erosion & broken pavement… forcing me to the other side of Lake Shore Drive… and sure, the high water levels covering the bike trail don’t help either!!!

Categories: Chicago, photography

Just a cool example of when the “auto-focus” feature
doesn’t quite know what to do?!

Categories: bike, Chicago, sunrise

Okay, so not so much of a sunrise as a dark clouded morning! Gloomy cloud-cover sweeping through the City, strong winds blowing in off the Lake… and crazy cool waves splashing all around!!!

And let’s just say…
my weather app said nothing about RAIN this morning?!!!
It was wrong!!!

Categories: Chicago, weather

What a beautiful day along the Chicago Lakefront… although it was one of those days where I couldn’t quite tell if it was sunny or cloudy?! I changed my mind every five minutes or so… either way… BEAUTIFUL!!!

Categories: bike, Chicago, sunrise

A cloudy start. A cloudy morning… wondering if my judgement was clouded too?! As I didn’t even know if we would see anything other than clouds this morning?!!! Luckily, the sun finally broke through for quite a dramatic start to the day! Still so happy to be out on the Chicago Lakefront Bike Trail again!