Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: challenge, handbuilding, soda-fired

Celebrating the end of October with another entry in monthly Handmade Chain Challenge! This time with a handbuilt soda-fired hexagon chain that now lives on the side of a patio deck… draped, swagged & interacting with the plants. Can’t wait to see it drifted with snow… sadly, these plants aren’t going to last much longer!!

#2021chainchallenge – #handmadechain – #chainlinks2021

Categories: challenge, soda-fired, stamped

Well, here it is… stamped & soda-fired… and my September “entry” in the MONTHLY CHAIN CHALLENGE! I’ve been working on it for awhile now, and I’ve been waiting to share it here. I think the original intention of the challenge was for metalsmiths to show-off their handmade metal chains… but you can make CLAY chains too! And I did… so there!!! HA!!!

#2021chainchallenge – #handmadechain – #chainlinks2021

Categories: challenge, process, production, stamped

After bisque firing my chain, I started adding some inlaid glazes into the stamped details. After soda-firing, the chain should be toasty & shiny with some stamped textures & patterns!

#2021chainchallenge – #handmadechain – #chainlinks2021

Categories: challenge, process, production, stamped

Soon enough the extruded coils started becoming a large chain… complete with some stamped details on every other link & some colored flashing slip accents to boot!

#2021chainchallenge – #handmadechain – #chainlinks2021

Categories: challenge

As we are ending another month, it’s time for another installment of the 2021 CHAIN CHALLENGE!!! And this month I’ve gone for another version of the ceramic chain… each link textured & soda-fired with a bit more gray-reduction & shine than the first one!


Categories: artists, challenge, friends

Hard to tell size & scale of my March chain… but with my own little “Carol Merrill” at the ready to model for me, it looks even better when someone is wearing it. Huge thanks to my friend Christine for being around today as I “drafted here” to model it for me!!!

2021chainchallenge – #handmadechain – #chainlinks2021

She’s a trooper… and great artist… yes, she’s the one who made the amazing OREO planter for me!!! Huge “props” to Christine!!!

Categories: bowls, challenge, handbuilding, soda-fired

After soda-firing, my chain looks great with some flashing marks to help accentuate the textures on some of the links. Might not be what all of the metalsmiths expected from a chain challenge… but I think I succeeded again! Yeah, I’ll show them!!! HA!!!

#2021chainchallenge – #handmadechain – #chainlinks2021

Categories: challenge, handbuilding

You know how I LOVE a good challenge… and this is the third month of the 2021 CHAIN CHALLENGE started by my pal & metalsmith Sarah Chapman. I’ve been working on my March chain entry for awhile now… as I don’t have the “luxury” of cranking out a clay chain last minute if I want to get it fired. Since today is the last day of March, it’s also the big DEADLINE!!! So here’s a glimpse into the making of my chain for the challenge! Constructed ring-by-ring, sprayed with a little slip… and then soda-fired.

2021chainchallenge – #handmadechain – #chainlinks2021